At EarlyGame, our commitment is to bring you the latest and most accurate gaming news and guides. A strong editorial foundation is essential for us to ensure that you and every other EarlyGame user are getting trustworthy high quality content. To help you comprehend how content on EarlyGame is created, we want to be transparent with not only who we are, but also how we work – from researching to editing to publishing, including our work ethics.
Researching And Fact-Checking
In an era when so much fake news is flooding the internet, it has become more important than ever to be transparent about where information comes from. Our team diligently fact-checks information before publishing it to ensure accuracy. Besides a double-checking our sources, every article on EarlyGame gets proofread by an experienced content staff member in a dedicated editing process. So when you read an article on EarlyGame, you can trust that it is based on verified information. We write about gaming with a commitment to honesty, and integrity is at the core of our work.
You'll always be able to find the necessary source references in our articles, be it via a link, a press release or a social media embed, allowing you to explore further on your own. Additionally, we'll always clearly make transparent what is fact, what is opinion and what is rumors (like leaks, which rarely can be proven) so that you always know what is confirmed, what is personal classification and what is just a claim.
We Meet You At Eye Level
We value our readers at EarlyGame. And that's why we don't talk about games top-down; we want to engage with you at eye level. Whether you're a pro gamer or a newcomer, our content is crafted to provide value for everyone, and our writing style is designed to be accessible to all.
We break down complex topics, ensuring they are easily understandable for every EarlyGame user out there (and all those yet to come!). We appreciate your perspective, and we're always ready to connect over our shared passion for gaming.
We Write For Readers, Not For Algorithms
While algorithms from platforms like Google and Meta have their place and importance, our primary focus is on you – the user. We craft content to cater to your needs and interests, ensuring that every news and every guide serves a purpose. We prioritize quality over quantity, providing you with articles that inform and help.
Thank you for being a part of the EarlyGame community. Your loyalty motivates us every day to deliver content that matters.
Disclaimer: We try to always provide the best and latest information – however, in the end, we are only human. So if you notice a mistake, feel free to leave a comment below the article or text us via feedback@earlygame.com.