Best Modern Warfare 2 Loadouts For Ranked

For Ranked Play in Modern Warfare 2, players are forced to use competitive settings. As far as loadouts are concerned, this significantly limits the number of weapons and pieces of equipment we can choose to use. Here are the best weapon builds for competitive play, as well as our suggested loadouts for the competitive game modes: Hardpoint, Search, and Control.

MW2 Ranked Loadouts
These are the best competitive loadouts in MW2 for Ranked and the CDL Mosphit. | © EarlyGame

In the Ranked playlist, players use the exact same competitive settings that pros use in the CDL. In competitive Call of Duty basically all weapons besides ARs and SMGs are banned, as are most of the grenades and perks. The idea is to get rid of anything that could be broken and offer free kills, which is a ton of stuff in CoD.

You can find the best competitive-compliant attachment setups for the current meta weapons below. We've also provided our suggestion for grenades and perks for each of the competitive modes: Hardpoint, Search and Destroy, and Control.


How To Create Custom Loadouts For Ranked Play

When you load into a game of Ranked Play none of your normal classes will be available, instead you will see your competitive custom loadout slots. These are completely separate from your ordinary custom classes.

Just go to the "Weapons" tab and create your Ranked Loadouts here, restricted weapons and equipment will not even be displayed, so your loadouts should always be rule compliant.

We advise making the following classes out of your ten slots, as a baseline:

  • Hardpoint AR
  • Hardpoint SMG
  • SnD AR
  • SnD SMG
  • Control AR
  • Control SMG

Although, if you're strictly an SMG or an AR player, and you know you won't pick the other option, then you obviously don't need to make classes for the other weapon. We'll go into the perks and equipment choices for each of these classes further down, but the actual attachment setup for the AR and the SMG won't change between modes.

The Best Ranked / Competitive AR Setup: TAQ-56

TAQ-56 Ranked Loadout
Unlike the pros, we aren't forced to use the Tundra barrel. | © Activision


MuzzleSakin Tread-40


High Velocity

TV Cardinal Stock

Rear Grip

FSS Combat Grip

UnderbarrelEdge-47 Grip

You don't need the Tundra barrel we promise you! It's absolutely not worth it for the ranges of most engagements in multiplayer. The reason that pros use it is that they have an unofficial GA (Gentlemen's Agreement) to all use the Tundra barrel and prevent ARs from becoming too fast by comparison to SMGs.

The Best Ranked / Competitive SMG Setup: Vaznev-9K

Vaznev Ranked
The Vaz is like a shotgun up-close sometimes. | © Activision


MuzzleBruen Pendulum

Otrezat Stock

Rear Grip

True-Tac Grip

UnderbarrelFSS Sharkfin-90

A lot of folks don't like the default Kastov iron sights. If that's you, then don't worry too much about putting a 1x like the Slimline pro on the weapon, the slower handling speeds are negligible. The build above is what every pro has been using pretty much since it launch - it fries.

The Best Ranked / Competitive Sidearm Setup: X12

X12 Ranked
Thankfully, the pistols aren't quite as strong as last year's RATT. | © Activision


MuzzleXRK Ventor
BarrelXRk Sidewinder

Rear Grip

Cronen Lima-6
Trigger ActionXRK Lighting Fire

The four attachments mentioned above are sufficient for the pistol, which is only used in few situations anyway. A larger magazine is not really necessary.

Perks & Grenades For Each Mode (Attack & Defense)

Now that you have your AR, SMG and sidearm built, you can get every class ready for each mode. We suggest having separate classes for attack and defense in both Control and Search. Here's our loadout suggestions for each mode:

SecondaryLethal Tactical

Base Perks

Bonus PerksField Upgrade
Hardpoint ARKnife (consider the pistol for Hydro, it can be used underwater)SemtexStunsBattle Hardened, Bomb SquadFocusTrophy System
Hardpoint SMGKnife (consider the pistol for Hydro, it can be used underwater)SemtexStunsBattle Hardened, Bomb SquadFocusDead Silence
Search and Destroy ARPistolFrag GrenadeStunsDouble Time, Bomb SquadFocusDead Silence
Search and Destroy SMGKnife (consider the pistol for Hydro, it can be used underwater)Frag GrenadeStunsDouble Time, Bomb SquadFocusDead Silence
Control ARKnifeSemtexStunsBattle Hardened, Bomb SquadFocusTrophy System
Control SMGKnifeSemtexStunsBattle Hardened, Bomb SquadFocusDead Silence

You'll notice there are no Ultimate perks, but these are banned in competitive. Also for grenades we only have the choice between Frag Grenades and Semtex and in the tactical slot only Stun Grenades are allowed.

And there you have it, our current recommendation for Ranked Play loadouts. If you've been waiting for competitive play to pick up the new CoD, you can buy MW2 here.

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....