Every Black Ops 2 Map Will Be Remastered For A Future Treyarch Title, According To New Leaks

According to a leaker who has been very active recently, all of the original Black Ops 2 multiplayer maps will be remastered in a future Treyarch title. First we will get Black Ops Gulf War in 2024, and then in 2025 we will reportedly get another Black Ops game that will feature all of these maps.

Black ops 2 multiplayer remaster
Black Ops 2 maps to be remastered for future Treyarch title. | © Activision

2023's CoD title, Modern Warfare 3, is going to be an experiment for the whole franchise. Because for the first time in history, MW3 will follow on directly from the previous game (2022's MW2) and it will be made up entirely of remastered maps. Kind of like a "Year-2" in a live service game, but in a way that still forces us to spend $70.

If this goes well, then Call of Duty will likely replicate this structure, which would mean we get two years of Modern Warfare games, then two years of Black Ops games, and so on. One leaker is claiming that between 2024 and 2025 we will get two Black Ops games, and they say that for the second of these two games we will be getting remasters of every single Black Ops 2 map.

Black Ops 2 Is Getting The MW2 Treatment

According to Bob, we are getting a remaster of every single Black Ops 2 map in Call of Duty 2025:

Bob is a leaker who has emerged in the last year and has been giving the community more information than anyone else in terms of new CoD games and updates to Warzone. His leaks have all been correct so far, and they have been quite extensive. For instance, he revealed all the Modern Warfare 3 perks.

Assuming he is correct, we have to admit we're huge fans of this news. It's obviously going to be great to have all the Black Ops 2 maps remastered; these are some of the best maps in all of CoD history. But, we are also excited about this change in the structure of CoD releases.

The second games released each cycle will probably feel less refreshing, but it will hopefully encourage the CoD devs to focus more on improvement and refinement. Under the current structure, it feels like every new CoD is trying to reinvent the wheel, often to the detriment of the playerbase.

What do you think about this new 2-year cycle for CoD? Do you like the idea of sticking to one general theme for two years in a row, or would you rather see them continue to change every year?

Let's hope we don't have to deal with this nonsense in MW3?

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Head of Pull Content for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....