CoD Warzone: Junkyard Bunker 02 Code and Guide

Warzone Junkyard Bunker Aeroplane Graveyard
Warzone Junkyard Bunker is near the airplane graveyard. (Image Credit: Activision)

The bunkers in Call of Duty Warzone offer a collection of treats and goodies, as well as a multitude of secrets and mysteries that flesh out the world and hint towards future additions. For your assistance, we have prepared a quick guide to bunker two, one of those tight-knit bunkers on the western edge of the map.

A tad east of the junkyard, and west of the boneyard lies the second major bunker in Warzone’s map. The area, scattered with the remains of aircraft, poses an intense and enjoyable area for combat and treasure hunting. Who doesn’t like trawling through broken airplanes, finding goodies in the wreckage? You know what’s an even better thing to do? Exploring a bloody bunker!

Warzone Junkyard Bunker 02
Check out Warzone's Junkyard Bunker 02, it is opposite Boneyard Bunker 03!! (Image Credit: Activision / Ozarc)

There is a cluster of bunkers in this area, west of the Boneyard. Detailed in the below articles are how to gain access to both bunkers 1 and 3, but here we will focus on bunker 2. For this purpose, we are calling it the Junkyard 02 bunker! Head vaguely north-west of the airplane boneyard! Or don’t, it’s up to you...

READ MORE on Bunkers in Warzone:

There is a road heading north-south down the west side of the map, and if you have gone west of the boneyard, you will have crossed it. Bunker 2 is especially westward, quite close to the edge of the map. If you have been to Bunker 3, you will see that the two bunkers are opposite of one another (you can see one another from the entrance). Here’s a map!

COD Warzone Bunker 2 Location
Bunker 2 is pretty exposed, surrounded with plenty of spots where an enemy could be camping and waiting - be careful! (Image Credit: Activision)

We recommend tackling both of these bunkers together, as they are very close to each other and have some pretty solid loot inside! To reach it, head to the road we previously mentioned, west from the plane wrecks, and a little north! Check out the map above for a more precise location and be prepared for a fight!

The reason why we mention how close these bunkers are is two-fold: more loot in a smaller location, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY...quite a busy area! We mentioned the planes, and who doesn’t love having a fight in such an area? Well, this is super close and has a bunch of goodies, so please be careful. We care about you and don’t want you to get hurt!

Once you reach the bunker, pay attention to the concrete structures nearby and the crop of trees that would provide perfect cover for a sneaky player to hide from you. You don’t want to have you head blown off, and we ain’t coming to save your ass if you are careless!

If you don’t die, you will need a Red Access Card to unlock the door and enter the room. To learn more about the Red Access Card's and how to collect them, check out our guide to all the red access card bunkers in Warzone.

Inside, you will find a wonderful loot chest and a bunch of weapons and goodies scattered around that you can use to your advantage once you emerge. It is not the best bunker (seriously, check out bunker 3!) but it does the trick to get you some fun loot, if you are lucky!


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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...