How to Complete the Numbers Event in Black Ops Cold War

bocw numbers event
Let's take a look at the Numbers Event in Black Ops Cold War... | © Activision

The Black Ops Cold War Numbers Event is a neat new mid-season event that will provide you with a bunch of cool loot, and whole lot of fun. How do you complete the Numbers Event in BOCW, and what are the BOCW Numbers Event Rewards? Let's not waste any time, and dive right-on in.

It's finally time for the Numbers Event. I will be honest with you: it's been a while since the numbers started appearing in Warzone and Black Ops Cold War, and it was getting pretty tedious waiting for this to happen. The Warzone Event is kind-of okay, but the Black Ops Cold War Numbers Event is actually pretty fantastic – especially if you are a Zombies fan, seeing as Outbreak Survival has now been added! Here's how to complete the Numbers Event in Black Ops Cold War...


How to Complete the Numbers Event in Black Ops Cold War

  • Complete 3 multiplayer matches on Zoo or earn Objective Milestones in Outbreak Survival.
  • Win a Multiplayer Demolition match or earn 2 or more Zombies Round or Objective Milestones and Exfil successfully.
  • Get a total of 50 Eliminations in multiplayer or Slaughter Medals in Zombies (killed 5 enemies rapidly).
  • Get 10 kills with Lethal Equipment in multiplayer, or earn Lethal Equipment multi kill medals in Zombies.
  • Earn 25000 total Multiplayer Score or Zombies Essence.
  • Get 3 multiplayer kills without dying or recover 500 health with food items in a region of Outbreak Survival 3 times.
  • Get 5 kills with Scorestreaks in multiplayer, or earn Support multi kill medals in Zombies.
  • Get 5 kills with or assisted by your Field Upgrades in multiplayer, or earn Field Upgrade multi kill Medals in Zombies.
  • Earn 3 multi kills in multiplayer or eliminate elite enemies in Zombies.

All in all, there are eighteen different challenges available as part of the Black Ops Cold War Numbers Event. If you are a multiplayer-only player, you can complete it by purely playing multiplayer. If Zombies is your thing, it's the same deal. All you need to do is finish one out of each of the nine listed options to complete the BOCW Numbers Event.

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What are the Black Ops Cold War Numbers Event Rewards?

For every BOCW Numbers Event challenge you complete, you receive a unique reward. Thus, there are nine unique rewards in the BOCW Numbers Event. To make matters even better, once you have completed all nine challenges, you will receive the new Sai Melee Weapon. It's pretty neat, and pretty fabulous weapon to check out if you can. To summarize: play the BOCW Numbers Event, it's a whole lot of fun, and the rewards are great.

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Evan Williams

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