Proper Hardcore Mode Finally Coming To MW2 In Season 2!

After a disappointing reception to Tier-1, Infinity Ward are finally bending the knee to CoD fans. A proper, traditional Hardcore Mode will be released soon for Modern Warfare 2.

Hardcore Mode Finally Coming To MW2
This isn't Tier-1, don't worry, it's a proper Hardcore mode coming to Modern Warfare 2. | © Activision

Modern Warfare Season 2 is just around the corner, and we might finally be getting a Hardcore Mode. Yep, after widespread rejection of Infinity Ward's Tier-1 mode, the devs have finally buckled under public pressure. Rejoice!

A Proper Hardcore Mode Is Coming To Modern Warfare 2

As Infinity Ward recently announced, they will be introducing a traditional Hardcore mode into Modern Warfare 2 when Season 2 launches on February 15. They originally tried to replace Hardcore mode with something called "Tier-1" (which has the same very low health from Hardcore but adds realism elements like no HUD), however, fans hated Tier-1, so they're just giving us back the traditional Hardcore mode.

As Infinity Ward themselves announced:

Great news for fans of classic Hardcore mode.

Are you pleased about the return of the OG Hardcore mode? Or is the TTK too low for you to enjoy? Maybe the upcoming Ranked Mode (which is also released in Season 2) is more up your street?

Here are the best guns in MW2, although for Hardcore mode you won't need weapons as meta as this:

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....