Infected Is Coming To Modern Warfare 2

In a recent Tweet, Call of Duty confirmed that the Infected game mode will be coming to Modern Warfare 2 soon.

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Infected is coming to Modern Warfare 2. | © Activision

Season 2 is just around the corner, but unlike Warzone players (who have a whole new map to enjoy) the multiplayer audience are worried they won't get much content. That's especially worrying when you consider how few maps we have in Modern Warfare 2 right now. We've just heard some good news from the devs, however.


Infected Game Mode Officially Confirmed

A Call of Duty fan recently Tweeted the following: "playing infected on Call of Duty with friends is the greatest feeling in the world." To which the official CoD account replied:

[embed id=280977]

Season 2 starts on February 15, so we won't waste a lot of time explaining what this means: Infected is coming to Modern Warfare 2 when Season 2 launches on February 15. Awesome.

If you haven't played Infected before, it's basically CoD's version of a PvP zombie-style mode. One player is the "zombie" at the beginning of the game and can only use a combat knife. All the other players have guns and can run and hide. When a zombie kills a normal player they also become a zombie. The last non-zombie player left alive is the winner.

Will you be playing Infected when Season 2 launches? Or are you going to be grinding Ranked?

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....