Modern Warfare 3 "Cut-Throat" Mode: New 3v3v3 Gunfight-style Mode Revealed

A brand-new game mode was just unveiled at CoD Next called "Cut-Throat" and it's basically a 3v3v3 version of Gunfight played on the base 6v6 maps.

Cut-Throat New Mode
New MW3 Mode: Cut-Throat | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3's multiplayer was unveiled in full at CoD Next. And besides the very promising gameplay details we heard, we were also shown a brand-new mode called "Cut-Throat". It probably won't go down as an instant classic, but we can see going down very with the Gunfight community.

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MW3 Cut-Throat Mode

This is going to be a sweat-fest in all the right ways. Here are the Cut-Throat rules in Modern Warfare 3:

  • There are three teams of three.
  • You have one life per round, but you can revive downed teammates in the same you can in Cyberattack / Prisoner Rescue.
  • The objective is to eliminate the other team within the time limit.
  • If the time limit is reached then an objective appears in the middle of the map, and the first team to capture it wins.
  • The first team to win 3 rounds will win the game.

It's a bit funky that this mode doesn't have its own dedicated maps, and some of the base maps are clearly too big for it, but we saw a Cut-Throat match on Favela and it looked amazing in that setting. This is so much better than Sledgehammer's last attempt at changing Gunfight (you probably don't even remember Champion Hill, huh?)

If you want to see Cut-Throat for yourself, it begins at 56 minutes into the main showcase:

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....