MW3 AMR9 Loadout | The Best Attachments For Multiplayer

The AMR9 isn't the best SMG in MW3, but with the right attachments it can be a contender. Let us show you the best loadout for the AMR9 in Modern Warfare 3.

AMR9 loadout
Our best AMR9 loadout in MW3. | © Activision

The AMR9 doesn't have the best TTK, range or fire rate. So at first there doesn't seem to be any reason to pick it above the Striker or Rival-9. However, with the right attachments, the AMR9 is a great choice for aggressive players who like to face their opponents on close range.

As we said before, it's not the best SMG, but still a very solid gun. Just check out our best AMR9 loadout and try it for yourself.


If you want to see how this weapon compares to everything else, check out our tier-ranking of every gun in MW3.

Note: We update our loadouts whenever a new MW3 patch affects the weapon or the relevant attachments.

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MW3 Loadout: The Best Attachments

AMR9 setup
The best attachments for the AMR9 in MW3 mutliplayer. | © Activision

Stats (Pros)

Stats (Cons)How To Unlock


Demo-LTS Stock

↑↑ Aim Down Sight Speed

↓ Gun Kick Control

↓ Firing Aim Stability

↓ Recoil Control
AMR9 Level 20
Rear GripPhantom Grip↑↑ Sprint to Fire Speed

↑ Aim Down Sight Speed
↓↓ Flinch ResistanceAMR9 Level 25
Magazine50 Round Mag↑↑↑ Magazine Ammo Capacity↓↓ Reload Quickness

↓ Aim Down Sight Speed

↓ Sprint to Fire Speed

↓ Movement Speed
AMR9 Level 14
Ammunition9mm High Grain↑↑ Bullet Velocity

↑ Damage Range
↓↓ Recoil Control

AMR9 Level 29
UnderbarrelXTEN 12 Handgrip↑ Aim Down Sight Speed

↑ Vertical Recoil

↑ Sprint To Fire Speed

↑ Gun Kick Control
↓↓ Tac Stance Spread

↓ Hipfire Spread

↓ Horizontal Recoil
AMR9 Level 13

In our setup, we try to focus on improving the strengths of the AMR9 even more, by turning it into a CQB monster. Improved ADS- and sprint to fire speed allow for fast movement and quick handling. The ammunition increases bullet velocity and range and the bigger magazine assures that we can take out multiple enemies before having to reload.

MW3 Loadout: The Best Equipment, Field Upgrade & Perks

Our recommendation for how you should finish this loadout:



TacticalFlash Grenade
LethalBreacher Drone
Field UpgradeTrophy System
VestInfantry Vest


Commando Gloves

BootsTactical Pads (if you slide-cancel) / Lightweight Boots
GearEOD Padding

Since the AMR9 is a fast SMG that performs best if used in an aggressive play style, we recommend going for perks to support this kind of play style. The commando gloves will allow for reloads while sprinting, and the boots will give a great boost to mobility.

If you want to see exactly what effects you will benefit from, check out our hub on all the perks in MW3 here.


The AMR9 is a solid SMG, but will probably never be the meta, the Striker and Rival-9 are just too good. If you are looking for something with a bit more range, here are the best ARs in MW3.

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Lukas Ballat

Lukas has been passionate about shooters his whole life and at EarlyGame he teaches you everything about CoD, while also taking care of campaigns and partner projects. He also plays Souls-likes and doesn't shy away from the Diablo-grind either....