MW3 BAS-B Loadout | The Best Attachments For Multiplayer

The BAS-B is technically a battle rifle, but it feels just like a heavy-hitting AR, which is perfect for MW3. We highly recommend this weapon for multiplayer, especially on bigger maps. Here is the best MW3 BAS-B loadout.

best BAS-B loadout
This is the best BAS-B loadout. | © Activision

The BAS-B is based on the XM7, which is the new standard infantryman's rifle in the US Army. It feels like a heavy-hitting AR, although technically it's in the Battle Rifle category. For bigger maps, we cannot recommend this weapon enough. Whereas most ARs will take 5–6 shots to kill at distance, the BAS-B only requires 4, and you really feel that advantage in gunfights.

Sadly, the BAS-B available in the default "Demolitionist" class is bugged, but in custom classes it should work as intended. You can find the best MW3 BAS-B loadout below.

If you want to see how this weapon compares to everything else, check out our tier-ranking of every gun in MW3.

Note: We update our loadouts whenever a new MW3 patch affects the weapon or the relevant attachments.

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MW3 BAS-B Loadout: The Best Attachments

best attachments to use on the BAS-B
Here are the best attachments to use on the BAS-B in MW3 multiplayer. | © Activision

Stats (Pros)

Stats (Cons)How To Unlock
BarrelBruen Venom Long Barrel

↑↑ Bullet Velocity & Range

↑ Recoil Control

↑ Aiming Idle Stability

↑ Gun Kick Control

↓ Movement Speed

↓ Sprint To Fire Speed

↓ Sprint Speed
BAS-B Level 2


Slate Reflector

↑ Precision Sight Picture

Striker Level 12
Rear GripD37 Grip↑↑ Firing Aim Stability

↑↑ Gun Kick Control

↑ Recoil Control
↓↓ Aiming Idle StabilityBAS-B Level 6
Magazine30 Round Magazine↑↑↑ Magazine Ammo Capacity↓ Movement Speed

↓ Aim Down Sight Speed

↓ Reload Quickness

↓ Sprint To Fire Speed

BAS-B Level 4
Ammunition.277 Fury High Grain↑↑ Bullet Velocity

↑ Damage Range

↓↓ Recoil ControlBAS-B Level 17

This is exactly what you would expect from an AR build in MW3, however, with the BAS-B we did also take the extended mags. The default ones are only 20-rounders, and that just isn't enough with the higher TTK we're dealing with in MW3.

If this BAS-B build is feeling too jumpy for you then replace the ammo first. Although, if you can, we recommend trying to adjust to the recoil of the .277 High Grain ammo.

MW3 BAS-B Loadout: The Best Equipment, Field Upgrade & Perks

Our recommendation for how you should finish this loadout:



TacticalFlash Grenade
LethalBreacher Drone
Field UpgradeTrophy System
VestInfantry Vest


Quick Grip Gloves

BootsStalker Boots
GearEOD Padding

The BAS-B is slower than the ARs, but not to the extent that we need to start taking perks for extra mobility. Instead, we can use the normal set of perks we use with other ARs; Stalker Boots will improve our strafe speeds and Quick Grip Gloves will allow for faster weapon swap.

If you want to see exactly what effects you will benefit from, check out our hub on all the perks in MW3 here.


That was your complete guide to our best BAS-B MW3 loadout, we hope you found it helpful. And if you're interested, check out how it compares to other Battle Rifles in MW3 here.

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....