MW3 Weekly Challenges: This Week's Challenges & Current Rewards

By completing Weekly Challenges in Modern Warfare 3 you can earn Aftermarket Parts. Here is a guide to the system, as well as this week's active challenges and rewards.

MW3 Weekly Challenges
Finding the MW3 Weekly Challenges is harder than it should be... | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 has introduced a number of new unlock systems to multiplayer (one of the few changes we don't actually like). These include "Weekly Challenges", which have clearly been implemented to keep player retention up. But, love it or hate, the Weekly Challenges system is here to stay.

Here is a complete guide to Weekly Challenges in MW3, as well as this week's reward and current challenges. Good luck completing them.

MW3 Weekly Challenges Explained

Weekly Challenges are a set of Multiplayer, Battle Royale and Zombies challenges that can be completed each week in MW3. If you complete at least five of these challenges, then you will get a reward, which is normally an Aftermarket Part (a type of weapon attachment). Aftermarket Parts bring some weapons up from a C-Tier to an A-Tier, so you really should be hunting for these rewards.


The challenges are the same for every player each week, and of the seven challenges there are normally five easier ones, so getting the reward should be doable for the average player. And don't worry if you can't complete the challenges one week, you can go back and complete challenges from previous weeks as long as the season is still ongoing.

If you complete five weekly challenges every week for a season, and thus unlock every reward, you will also get a special camo.

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MW3 Weekly Challenges: This Week's Challenges & Reward

Season 2 Week 2 (February 14-21)

Week 2 Battle Royale Challenges

Challenge Type (What You Need To Do)Challenge Requirement (How Many Times You Have To Do It)

Location (Where to complete the challenge)

Open Loot Caches20North-West Region of Urzikstan (Resort, Power, Seasport, Cargo)
Open Loot Caches20Eastern Region (Military Base, Farms)
Open Loot Caches20Southern Region of Urzikstan (City, Suburbs, Manor)
Open Loot Caches20Central Region (Old Town, Low Town)
Place in the top 10


Complete Contracts
Get Operator Kills or Assissts
40With a recommended weapon (any MW3 weapon)

Week 2 Multiplayer Challenges

Challenge Type (What You Need To Do)Challenge Requirement (How Many Times You Have To Do It)

Challenge Weapon (What Weapon You Have To Use)

Get Operator Kills30With alternate ammo equipped to a recommended weapon
Get Operator Kills
20With an underbarrel lethal equipped to a recommended weapon
Get Operator Kills
10With the Gun-Butt of a recommended weapon
Get Operator Kills
15With Throwing Knives
Get Operator Point Blank Kills
10With a recommended weapon
Perform Finishing Moves
Get 3 Melee Operator Kills in one Life

Week 2 Zombies Challenges

Challenge Type (What You Need To Do)Challenge Requirement (How Many Times You Have To Do It)

Challenge Weapon (What Weapon You Have To Use)

Get Kills
50With a recommended Melee Weapon with frenzied Guard active
Get Kills
10With a Throwing Knife
Get critical Kills500With a recommended Weapon
Get Kills
150With a recommended Weapon with 4 Perks active
Get Kills
250With a recommended Weapon with Fire Damage
Get Mega Abomination Kills
1With a recommended Weapon
Get 120 Kills without being hit
20With a recommended Melee Weapon

Week 2 Reward

This week, we don't get a conversion kit or a new gun, but a new attachment: the JAK Limb Ripper. And yes, this attachment really is a small chainsaw you can attach to your gun just like a bayonet.


Season 2 Week 1 (February 7-14)

Week 1 Battle Royale Challenges

Challenge Type (What You Need To Do)Challenge Requirement (How Many Times You Have To Do It)

Location (Where to complete the challenge)

Get Operator Kills
10North-West Region of Urzikstan (Resort, Power, Seasport, Cargo)
Get Operator Kills10Eastern Region (Military Base, Farms)
Get Operator Kills10Southern Region of Urzikstan (City, Suburbs, Manor)
Get Operator Kills10Central Region (Old Town, Low Town)
Place in the top 10


Complete Contracts
Open Loot Caches

Week 1 Multiplayer Challenges

Challenge Type (What You Need To Do)Challenge Requirement (How Many Times You Have To Do It)

Challenge Weapon (What Weapon You Have To Use)

Get Operator Kills
30With a recommended suppressed Marksman Rifle
Get Operator 1 Shot 1 Kills
20With recommended Shotgun
Get Operator Quickscope Kills
15With a recommended Sniper
Get Operator Double Kills7With a recommended Battle Rifles
Get Operator Triple Kills
5With a recommended Assault Rifle
Get Operator Longshot Kills
5With a 8x or greater magnification scope equipped to a recommended Weapon
Get 3 Operator Collateral Kills
3With a recommended Sniper

Week 1 Zombies Challenges

Challenge Type (What You Need To Do)Challenge Requirement (How Many Times You Have To Do It)

Challenge Weapon (What Weapon You Have To Use)

Get Kills
200With a recommended Marksman Rifle with Cryofreeze
Get 1 Shot Kills
250With a recommended Shotgun
Get 5 Rapid Kills15With a recommended Battle Rifle
Get Kills
100With a recommended Sniper
Get Kills
200With a Pack-a-Punched recommended Assault Rifle
Get Mangler Kills
5With a recommended Weapon
Get critical Mercenary Kills
25With a recommended Weapon

Week 1 Reward

The Longbow is MW3's fastest sniper with a huge magazine and great fire rate. The JAK Tyrant 762 Kit will change the caliber of the gun and increases damage as well as accuracy and ADS-speed.

MW3 JAK Tyrant 762 Kit
The JAK Tyrant 762 Kit changes the Longbow's caliber. | © Activision


How To Find The Weekly Challenges In Modern Warfare 3

Here is a section we wouldn't have to write if the current CoD UI wasn't so tragic. To find and monitor your Weekly Challenges progress in Modern Warfare 3, follow these steps:

  1. From the lobby, press Select/ESC to bring up the menu on the right side of the screen. In the left-most tab you will find the option for "Challenges".How To Find The Weekly Challenges In Modern Warfare 3 part 1
    Why did they make finding the MW3 Weekly Challenges so confusing? | © Activision
  2. There are multiple types of challenges to choose from in this new "Challenges" menu, but all you need for now is to select the "Weekly" option in the top leftHow To Find The Weekly Challenges In Modern Warfare 3 part 2
    Besides Weekly Challenges in MW3, you also have all manner of other challenges as well. | © Activision
  3. In the Weekly Challenges menu, you can see the seven available challenges, and the reward for that week and can switch between the "Multiplayer" and "Zombies" tab.How To Find The Weekly Challenges In Modern Warfare 3 part 2
    Your current progress is tracked in the MW3 Weekly Challenges menu. | © Activision

And voilà! You know how to find the MW3 Weekly Challenges menu, and so you won't be missing out on any important Aftermarket Parts.


That was all there is to know about Weekly Challenges. Like Armory Challenges, this new system is slightly confusing and not entirely well-implemented, but you will need to understand it. Hopefully this guide helped.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....

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