MW3 KV Inhibitor Loadout | The Best Attachments For Multiplayer

The KV Inhibitor is a great sniper that feels consistent and fast. You can find our favorite loadout for the weapon here.

MW3 KV Inhibitor Loadout
MW3 KV Inhibitor Loadout. | © Activision

The snipers in general are just very good this year, hence they are all at least in the A-tier for us in our tier-ranking of every gun in MW3. Because we're up against 150 base health, almost every type of gun now takes a couple of shots more to kill, whereas snipers take exactly the same amount of shots to kill as they did last year: one. This means you've got a longer window of time in which to make that shot before they kill you.

The KV Inhibitor is a solid sniper, it's semi-automatic and can one shot with most upper-torso shots. Sadly, you will still get some hit markers, but given the rate of fire it makes sense. With our attachments we like to increase damage range as much as possible to reduce those hit markers.

Note: We update our loadouts whenever a new MW3 patch affects the weapon or the relevant attachments.

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MW3 KV Inhibitor Loadout: The Best Attachments

MW3 KV Inhibitor Loadout: The Best Attachments
MW3 KV Inhibitor Loadout: The Best Attachments | © Activision

Stats (Pros)

Stats (Cons)How To Unlock
BarrelKAS-10 584MM Mod Barrel

↑↑ Bullet Velocity & Range

↑↑ Aiming Idle Stability

↑ Recoil Control

↓↓ Sprint To Fire Speed

↓ Movement Speed

↓ Hipfire Spread

↓ Firing Aim Stability
KV Inhibitor Level 15
StockEXO-TAC↑↑↑ Aiming Idle Stability

↑↑ Firing Aim Stability
↓ Movement Speed

↓ Aim Walking Speed
KV Inhibitor Level 24

Rear Grip

Broadside Factory Grip

↑↑ Sprint To Fire Speed

↑ Aim Down Sight Speed

↑ Aim Walking Speed

↑ Movement Speed

↓ Gun Kick Control

↓ Vertical Recoil
KV Inhibitor Level 11
Ammunition.338 Magnum High Grain↑↑ Bullet Velocity

↑↑ Damage Range
↓↓ Recoil ControlKV Inhibitor Level 23
UnderbarrelXRK Edge↑ Aim Walking Speed

↑ Aim Down Sight Speed

↑ Sprint To Fire Speed

↑ Movement Speed
↓↓ Tac Stance Spread

↓ Hipfire Spread

↓ Aim Walking Steadiness
Rival-9 Level 9

We do take some handling penalties with these attachments, but you'll notice that we never specifically hurt the Aim Down Sight Speed. We've also been able to sacrifice the effectively useless stat "Tac Stance Spread" (you can't Tac Stance with the KV Inhibitor), and we've also lost some recoil control, but again that doesn't matter really because we're going for single shots and then moving anyway.

With the barrel and ammo we can increase the damage range as much as possible to reduce hitmarkers. And with the stock we can improve aiming stability to make sniping easier.

MW3 KV Inhibitor Loadout: The Best Equipment, Field Upgrade & Perks

Our recommendation for how you should finish this loadout:



TacticalScatter Mine
LethalBreacher Drone
Field UpgradeTrophy System
VestGunner Vest (Use an AR/SMG as secondary)


Quick Grip Gloves

BootsStalker Boots
GearEOD Padding

If you want to see exactly what effects you will benefit from, check out our hub on all the perks in MW3 here.


Sniping is massively on the comeback this year, both in multiplayer against 150 base health, and in Warzone where one-shot-headshots are rumored to return. We expect a better will sniper will emerge as the absolute meta, but the KV Inhibitor still feels like a competitive and enjoyable choice.

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....