MW3 KVD Enforcer Loadout | The Best Attachments For Multiplayer

Here you can find the best setup and loadout for the KVD Enforcer MMR. The KVD Enforcer delivers reliable one-shot headshots and is only two shots to kill anywhere else on the body, which makes it the best MMR in Modern Warfare 3.

MW3 KVD Enforcer loadout
KVD Enforcer loadout. | © Activision

MMRs are rather meh in almost all shooters... Either you play an assault rifle or a sniper. In Modern Warfare 3, however, some of the MMRs are really strong. Due to the significantly higher TTK, assault rifles need a lot more hits for a kill than before and snipers are powerful one-shot machines, but comparatively slow.

The MMRs offer higher damage than assault rifles and more mobility than snipers, and the KVD Enforcer in particular can deal one-shots to the head and sometimes even neck, just like a sniper. This means that the Enforcer regularly outguns assault rifles, especially at longer ranges.


If you want to see how the weapon compares to all the others, check out our tier ranking of all weapons in MW3.

Note: We update our loadouts whenever a new MW3 patch affects the weapon or the relevant attachments.

MW3 KVD Enforcer Loadout: The Best Attachments

KVD Enforcer setup
Our best KVD Enforcer setup in MW3. | © Activision

Stats (Pros)

Stats (Cons)How to Unlock
BarrelKAS-10 584mm Mod Barrel

↑↑↑ Damage Range

↑↑ Bullet Velocity

↑ Recoil Control

↑ Aiming Idle Sway

↓↓ Sprint to Fire Speed

↓ Movement Speed

↓ Sprint Speed

KVD Enforcer Level 2
OpticSlate Reflector

↑ Precision Sight Picture

NoneStriker Level 12


Schlager PEQ Box IV

↑ Aim Down Sight Speed

NoneHolger 556 Level 12
MuzzleShadowstrike Suppressor

↑ Undetectable by Radar

NoneLongbow Level 3
UnderbarrelDR-6 Handstop

↑↑ Aim Walking Speed

↑↑ Aim Down Sight Speed

↑ Sprint to Fire Speed

↑ Movement Speed

↓↓ Hipfire and Tac Stance Spread

↓ Aim Walking Steadiness

WSP Swarm Level 23

With our KVD Enforcer setup, we want to focus on bullet velocity and handling. The barrel primarily increases bullet velocity, while the laser and underbarrel ensure faster ADS and mobility.

All in all, this is a good setup for medium to long distances in multiplayer. If you want to use the Enforcer in Warzone, you might want to use a sight with magnification.


MW3 KVD Enforcer Loadout: The Best Equipment, Field Upgrade & Perks

Here you will find our recommendations for equipment, field upgrades and perks:



TacticalStun Grenade
Field Upgrade
Trophy System


Demolition Vest


Quick Grip Gloves

BootsStalker Boots
GearEOD Padding

When it comes to gloves, boots and equipment, we go for the usual picks. Faster weapon switching is essential with a long-range weapon, and an increased strafe speed when aiming can't hurt either. A little more protection against explosions wouldn't go amiss anyway.

For the vest, we opt for the Demolition Vest, which regularly replenishes our tactical and lethal equipment. Semtex is simply very suitable for most situations and stun grenades slow down your enemies considerably, which makes a targeted one-shot with the Enforcer all the easier.

[ce 2]

The KVD Enforcer is a damn strong MMR that deals a ton of damage. Players with a reasonably good aim who like to fight at longer ranges should definitely give it a try. If you do want to go into close combat, here are the best SMGs in MW3.

Lukas Ballat

Lukas has been passionate about shooters his whole life and at EarlyGame he teaches you everything about CoD, while also taking care of campaigns and partner projects. He also plays Souls-likes and doesn't shy away from the Diablo-grind either....