MW3 Pulemyot 762 (PKM) Loadout | The Best Attachments For Multiplayer

The Pulemyot is a very high-damage LMG that excels against MW3's higher base health, and is one of the best weapons we've seen so far. Here is our favorite loadout for the Pulemyot 762.

MW3 Pulemyot 762
MW3 Pulemyot 762 | © Activision

The Pulemyot 762 has one of the best TTKs for mid and long-range in MW3, and is right up near the top of our tier-ranking of every gun in MW3. The mobility and handling might be poor, but the damage per bullet is very impressive, and so as long as you play a little slower you'll thrive (honestly, just holding a head glitch and L-triggering does still work in MW3, it's still CoD after all).

You can find our favorite loadout for the Pulemyot 762 below. Thankfully the Pulemyot has a good iron sight, and so you needn't worry too much about the grind - it's strong from level 1.

Note: We update our loadouts whenever a new MW3 patch affects the weapon or the relevant attachments.

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MW3 Pulemyot 762 Loadout: The Best Attachments

MW3 Pulemyot 762 Loadout: The Best Attachments
MW3 Pulemyot 762 Loadout: The Best Attachments | © Activision

Stats (Pros)

Stats (Cons)How To Unlock
MuzzleSonic Suppressor↑ Undetectable by Radar

↑↑ Bullet Velocity

↑ Damage Range

↓ Aim Walking Steadiness

↓ Sprint To Fire Speed

↓ Recoil Control

Pulemyot 762 Level 23
BarrelST Bullpup Barrel

↑↑ Bullet Velocity & Range

↓ Sprint To Fire Speed

↓ Aim Idle Sway
(Unlocked Automatically with Pulemyot 762B Bullpup Conversion Kit)


Slate Reflector

↑ Precision Sight Picture

Striker Level 12
Conversion KitPulemyot 762B Bullpup Conversion Kit↑↑↑ Mobility & Handling

↑↑ Rate of Fire

↑ Hipfire and Tac Stance Spread
↓↓ Recoil Control

↓↓ Bullet Velocity & Range
Unknown (during the beta it was automatically unlocked, but in the full-game we expect you'll need to do weekly challenges to unlock Aftermarket Parts).
UnderbarrelKimura RYN-03 Vertical Grip↑↑ Vertical Recoil

↑ Gun Kick Control

↑ Aiming Idle Sway
↓ Horizontal RecoilMTZ-556 Level 6

The most important thing here is the conversion kit you get, which is called the "Pulemyot 762B Bullpup Conversion Kit". When the game launches you will need to complete a weekly challenge to unlock this part, but in the beta it was unlocked automatically. Even without this conversion kit that makes the PKM a bullpup, the base weapon is very good. But when it is a bullpup, the PKM get's even better thanks to improved fire-rate, handling and mobility.

When you take bullpup conversion kit you will lose some damage range and velocity however, and so with our suppressor and long barrel we're going to compensate for that. We'll also take an underbarrel grip that improves recoil control and an optic to round us out.

MW3 Pulemyot 762 Loadout: The Best Equipment, Field Upgrade & Perks

Our recommendation for how you should finish this loadout:



TacticalScatter Mine
LethalBreacher Drone
Field UpgradeTrophy System
VestDemolition Vest


Quick Grip Gloves

BootsStalker Boots
GearEOD Padding

If you want to see exactly what effects you will benefit from, check out our hub on all the perks in MW3 here.


The Pulemyot is absolutely fantastic, and we predict it will be a part of the meta in some form for much of MW3's lifecycle. We hope you find the loadout useful.

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....