Nicki Minaj Partners With Modern Warfare 2

To get everyone hyped for Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty have released a cringe-inducing promo called "Squad Up", featuring celebrities like Nicki Minaj. But will we ever get a Nicki Minaj Warzone skin? We did get Snoop Dogg after all...

Nicki Minaj partners with Call of Duty
"It's the F.N.G. sir. Go easy on her, it's her first day in the regiment." | © Activision / Nicki Minaj's Twitter

First it was Snoop Dogg, then Cardi B, and now even Nicki Minaj has partnered with Call of Duty! Who the hell are they going to get on board next? To be honest, we don't really care, becausewe're already hyped for Modern Warfare 2 (as we made clear in our review). Still, the more celebrities involved, the more likely we are to get a big game with continuous support across the 2-year cycle. Or, at least, that's the idea. But enough with this preamble, let's get to the news.


Nicki Minaj "Squads Up" For Modern Warfare 2

Nicki Minaj has appeared in a star-studded promo video for Modern Warfare 2 called "Squad Up", which suggests she might return for a Warzone skin or something similar in the future. We've seen this in the past with other celebs, like Snoop Dogg, who appeared at CDL events and in promo trailers before eventually becoming a Warzone skin.

Here is the "Squads Up" video, it's painful to watch:

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When will Activision learn to hire young marketing managers? So much of their material feels like it was produced by a room full of 40-year-olds. But we're being mean. It was well-intentioned, if cringy.

What do you think about Nicki Minaj appearing in Call of Duty? Would you buy a Nicki Minaj skin? They would surely make it look better than the hideous Attack on Titan skin...

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....