Modern Warfare 3 Will Bring Back One Of The Few Popular Features From MW2

Most CoD games have Killstreaks, but some of them have used a system called "Scorestreaks" instead. MW2 was awesome in that it gave players the choice between either system. The latest leaks suggest that players will once again be allowed to decide between Killstreaks or Scorestreaks themselves in MW3.

Scorestreaks Modern Warfare 3
See the toggle for Scorestreaks in the bottom left? That's going to be returning in Modern Warfare 3, apparently. | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 is getting closer and closer to an actual reveal (we suspect it will take place during Season 5). But we are thankfully already getting leaks, and we've been hearing great stuff about Modern Warfare 3. This particular piece of news also concerns a positive leak from MW3: the return of the Scorestreak/Killstreak toggle.


Scorestreak/Killstreak Toggle Returning In MW3

According to leaker BobNetworkUK, who has given us a lot of solid info on MW3 so far, the game will feature the same toggle between Killstreaks/Scorestreaks that was in Modern Warfare 2:

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This is a fantastic move from the devs, and it will be a popular feature once again. If you don't know the difference: Scorestreaks are earned by making points in game (including capturing Hardpoints and such), whereas as Killstreaks are based purely on the number of kills you can make in a row. Long story short, this option rewards objective-orientated players.

Are you allowing yourself to get hyped about Modern Warfare 3? Or are you expecting a disaster from Sledgehammer? Surely the return of Terminal is enough to make you at least a little excited?

Let's hope they get a handle on all this nonsense in MW3:

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....