New Warzone Hotfix Fixes Suppressor: Patch Notes & Details

Warzone microsoft store art
Another day, another Warzone hotfix! (Credit: Activision)

We may have only just got a hotfix, which fixed a bunch of problems with blueprints, but now it's time for another drop — a suppressor patch! What are the details, though? You want patch notes? We got patch notes!

The new March 3 update is a game settings update that has reverted some of the gun stats to pre-Season 2 levels. This follows complaints from fans that suppressors, in particular, had become insanely OP!

Suppressor Hotfix Patch Notes

  • Agency/GRU/Wrapped Suppressors have been reverted to their previous state.
  • Fourth Operator Mission for Baker with objective to eliminate 15 enemies using a weapon with an attached 2x magnified scope or greater now tracks correctly.
  • Small updates to various UI elements such as icons, store bundles and player level up – among others

So, this is certainly a step in the right direction, isn't it? Don't get us wrong, there are always places where improvement is appreciated, but Season 2 has been a blast so far. This hotfix also confirms what Raven Software meant when they claimed “Another update is slated for later this week!”

The patch notes were added to the official patch notes for Season 2, on Raven Software's website. This list is getting super long, isn't it? Pure craziness at this point... but we appreciate it! We also appreciate mission-fixes and general UI adjustments; very nice, Raven Software.

It's especially great to see the Agency Suppressor reverted back, but the changes to other BOCW suppressors are also appreciated. We might come across a little snarky at the moment, especially about Black Ops Cold War, but these small updates are really great.

Warzone shipwreck
The mysterious shipwreck is now swarming with Zombies, and we love it... Jeez, Season 2 is so great! (Credit: Activision)

Responding quickly to the community is exactly what Raven Software needs to do with Warzone. Season 1 was a disaster, and there were so many problems that took far too long to be resolved. Part of that was because of the practice of waiting and launching bigger patches. These small ones are efficient, and can be pushed out quickly: that's a great thing!

Consider this a love letter from EarlyGame, Raven Software...


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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...