Warzone Takes Up as Much Disk Space As Every 3DS Game Ever Made Combined

Believe it or not, but Warzone and Modern Warfare actually take up almost as much disk space as all 1,547 Nintendo 3DS games combined.

Warzone Ocarina of Time
Warzone takes up a lot of space compared to Ocarina of Time 3D. | © Activision/Nintendo

If you are a Nintendo fan, you probably know the Nintendo eShop. It's where you can buy digital copies of pretty much every Wii U and Nintendo 3DS game ever made. Or should I say could? The Nintendo eShop will be shut down on March 27, 2023, which means the only way to buy games for the Wii U and 3DS will be purchasing physical copies .

This led one YouTuber by the name of Jirard Khalil or "The Completionist" to buy every single Wii U and 3DS game available on the eShop before it closes down for good. All in all, he spent $22,791 on 866 Wii U games and 1,547 3DS games.

Warzone As Big As All DS Games Combined

Now it turns out that if you were to download all 1,547 3DS games, they would take up 267 GB of disk space – not too bad, right? The funny thing is, Warzone (the original from 2020) takes up almost as much disk space, at least if you have it installed together with Modern Warfare 2019.

Modern Warfare and Warzone combined take up 250 GB of disk space on PC, which is only 17 GB less than 1,547 3DS games combined. We all know that Warzone 1 was ridiculously huge, but this comparison points out just how fucking huge it really was.

Now you all you Warzone guys should ask yourself: if it came down to disk space, do you want to play one Battle Royale game or 1,547 3DS games?

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Lukas Ballat

Lukas has been passionate about shooters his whole life and at EarlyGame he teaches you everything about CoD, while also taking care of campaigns and partner projects. He also plays Souls-likes and doesn't shy away from the Diablo-grind either....