Warzone Zombies: Financial District and Bank Infected

Warzone cbd 2
It seems that the Zombies are now in Downtown... The end is nigh! (Credit: Activision)

Zombies have spread to the financial district in Warzone, contaminating the Acropolis National Bank, and engaging the containment protocol for this region. It seems Verdansk is coming to an end, as Raven Software continue to set up the rumored Warzone Nuke Event.

In a new Containment Protocol Alert, Raven Software have issued a contagion warning for the Acropolis National Bank. Holy cow! Well, not really, it was already teased earlier this week. Now it's official though, so we hope you've already withdrawn your cash. If not, then we guess you're just gonna end up broke. Tough luck.

Warzone Zombies: How Did the Zombies Spread to the Bank?

There are currently three theories as to how the Zombies have made their sorry backsides into the bank...

  1. Operators are spreading the contagion from the Shipwreck, Zordaya Prison, and Verdansk Hospital.
  2. There is evidence of contaminated matter in the Bank's safety deposit box. Could it have been spread when this was left open for an unknown amount of time?
  3. Perhaps the Zombies are attracted to money? Maybe they are money hordes (heh)? Or perhaps our joke is just really bad...

Yet again, due to the sudden outbreak in the Financial District of Verdansk, and the extreme risk of further Warzone Zombie contagion spreading across the continent, the Armistice Central Command were forced to engage the Containment Protocol (not that this has worked in the past) ...

Continue to exercise extreme caution when conducting operations within or around the Financial District point of interest. Hostile forces are considered to be extremely dangerous and contain numerous mutations within their ranks previously only seen in other anomalous zones.

What's even more alarming though, is that Armistice is now extending this protocol across all of Verdansk. It might be a bit troublesome for your social life, but we think that this is certainly necessary, if we want to avoid a devastating Nuke Event!

Following the past month of unusual activity around Southern Verdansk and to reduce further spread of aforementioned phenomena, Armistice is officially instating a Containment Protocol across the entire region of Verdansk.
Warzone nuke
Pretty soon now, Verdansk is going to go "kaboom". (Credit: Activision)

Warzone Zombies: What About the Nuke Event?

Well, the Nuke Event should happen on or around the release of Warzone Season 3. This next Season should be out around April 22, and could see a radically changed Warzone. If these Zombies keep getting worse, then a Nuke Event could become inevitable. We will keep you updated, but if something does happen – stay safe, and take cover...


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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...