EarlyGame’s early Wild Rift Champions Guide - Part 2

Part 2 Early Game Early Guide to Wildrift Champions
Image credit: Riot Games

Everybody has heard of League of Legends at some point in time. Just as likely you heard about the game’s mobile & console version, Wild Rift. Wild Rift is expected to hit beta soon and will do so with a roster of 41 champions. While we’re all waiting for a confirmed date, we’ll help you get to know the game’s champions in a quick three part series. An early Wild Rift champions guide by EarlyGame.

We’re all signed up for the pre-registration and eagerly waiting for the beta to drop. Unfortunately, there is no date yet so while we wait, we figured we’d get you up to speed on the most important aspect of League of Legends: Wild Rift - the champions.

While League of Legends has a roster of 148 champions, Wild Rift will launch with a roster of 41 (might still be subject to change). This will make picking up the game easier, as a lot of players looking to get into Wild Rift probably are not that familiar with the LoL roster. Also, Riot has stated that they adapted the gameplay and each champion and that Wild Rift is much more than just a simple copy-pasta.

Still, to help you catch up on who’s who in Wild Rift, we took the liberty of giving you a sort of overview, or early guide, on all Wild Rift legends. Granted there is not much out there on Wild Rift, but the official League of Legends website has generous bios on every champion, so we compiled the ones that you’ll be able to play in Wild Rift.


Ezreal 0
Image credit: Riot Games
A dashing adventurer, unknowingly gifted in the magical arts, Ezreal raids long-lost catacombs, tangles with ancient curses, and overcomes seemingly impossible odds with ease. His courage and bravado knowing no bounds, he prefers to improvise his way out of any situation, relying partially on his wits, but mostly on his mystical Shuriman gauntlet, which he uses to unleash devastating arcane blasts. One thing is for sure—whenever Ezreal is around, trouble isn't too far behind. Or ahead. Probably everywhere.
  • RISING SPELL FORCE (passive)Ezreal gains increasing Attack Speed each time he successfully hits a spell, stacking up to 5 times.

  • MYSTIC SHOT Ezreal fires a damaging bolt of energy which reduces all of his cooldowns slightly if it strikes an enemy unit.

  • ESSENCE FLUXEzreal fires an orb that sticks to the first champion or objective hit. If Ezreal hits an enemy with the orb, it detonates and deals damage.

  • ARCANE SHIFTEzreal teleports to a target nearby location and fires a homing bolt which strikes the nearest enemy unit. Prioritizes enemies stuck with Essence Flux.

  • TRUESHOT BARRAGEEzreal winds up before firing a powerful barrage of energy that deals massive damage to each unit it passes through (damage is reduced for minions and non-epic monsters).


Fiora 0
Image credit: Riot Games
The most feared duelist in all Valoran, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier. Born to House Laurent in the kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation was sundered, but Fiora bends her every effort to restore her family's honor and return them to their rightful place among the great and good of Demacia.
  • DUELIST'S DANCE (passive)Fiora challenges nearby enemy Champions to dodge her. She calls out a direction from which she will try to strike. If she can complete her own challenge, she receives a small bonus and calls out a new direction.

  • LUNGEFiora lunges in a direction and stabs a nearby enemy, dealing physical damage and applying on-hit effects.

  • RIPOSTEFiora parries all incoming damage and disables for a short time, then stabs in a direction. This stab slows the first enemy champion hit, or stuns them if Fiora blocked an immobilizing effect with this ability.

  • BLADEWORKFiora has increased attack speed for the next two attacks. The first attack slows the target, and the second attack will critically strike.

  • GRAND CHALLENGEFiora reveals all four Vitals on an enemy champion and gains movement speed while near them. If Fiora hits all 4 Vitals or if the target dies after she has hit at least one, Fiora and her allies in the area are healed over the next few seconds.


Fizz 0
Image credit: Riot Games

Fizz is an amphibious yordle, who dwells among the reefs surrounding Bilgewater. He often retrieves and returns the tithes cast into the sea by superstitious captains, but even the saltiest of sailors know better than to cross him—for many are the tales of those who have underestimated this slippery character. Often mistaken for some manner of capricious ocean spirit, he seems able to command the beasts of the deep, and delights in confounding his allies and enemies alike.

  • NIMBLE FIGHTER (passive)Fizz can move through units and takes a flat amount of reduced damage from all sources

  • URCHIN STRIKEFizz dashes through his target, dealing magic damage and applying on hit effects.

  • SEASTONE TRIDENTFizz's attacks bleed his enemies, dealing magic damage over several seconds. Fizz can empower his next attack to deal bonus damage and empower his further attacks for a short time.

  • PLAYFUL / TRICKSTERFizz hops into the air, landing gracefully upon his spear and becoming untargetable. From this position, Fizz can either slam the ground or choose to jump again before smashing back down.

  • CHUM THE WATERSFizz tosses a fish in a direction that attaches to any champion that touches it, slowing the target. After a short delay, a shark erupts from the ground, knocking up the target and knocking any nearby enemies aside. All enemies hit are dealt magic damage and slowed.


Garen 0
Image credit: Riot Games
A proud and noble warrior, Garen fights as one of the Dauntless Vanguard. He is popular among his fellows, and respected well enough by his enemies—not least as a scion of the prestigious Crownguard family, entrusted with defending Demacia and its ideals. Clad in magic-resistant armor and bearing a mighty broadsword, Garen stands ready to confront mages and sorcerers on the field of battle, in a veritable whirlwind of righteous steel.
  • PERSEVERANCE (passive)If Garen has not recently been struck by damage or enemy abilities, he regenerates a percentage of his total health each second.

  • DECISIVE STRIKEGaren gains a burst of movement speed, breaking free of all slows affecting him. His next attack strikes a vital area of his foe, dealing bonus damage and silencing them.

  • COURAGEGaren passively increases his armor and magic resist by killing enemies. He may also activate this ability to give him a shield and tenacity for a brief moment followed by a lesser amount of damage reduction for a longer duration.

  • JUDGMENTGaren rapidly spins his sword around his body, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies.

  • DEMACIAN JUSTICEGaren calls upon the might of Demacia to attempt to execute an enemy champion.


Gragas 0
Image credit: Riot Games
Equal parts jolly and imposing, Gragas is a massive, rowdy brewmaster on his own quest for the perfect pint of ale. Hailing from parts unknown, he now searches for rare ingredients among the unblemished wastes of the Freljord, trying each recipe as he goes. Often intoxicated and extremely impulsive, he is legendary for the brawls he starts, which often end in all-night parties and widespread property damage. Any appearance from Gragas must surely foreshadow drinking and destruction—in that order.
  • HAPPY HOUR (passive)On ability use, Gragas takes a drink restoring 6% of his max Health. This effect can only happen every 8 seconds.

  • BARREL ROLLGragas rolls his cask to a location, which can be activated to explode or will explode on its own after 4 seconds. Enemies struck by the blast have their Movement Speed slowed.

  • DRUNKEN RAGEGragas guzzles down brew from his cask for 1 second. After finishing, he becomes drunkenly empowered, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies on his next basic attack and reducing damage received.

  • BODY SLAMGragas charges to a location and collides with the first enemy unit he comes across, dealing damage to all nearby enemy units and stunning them.

  • EXPLOSIVE CASKGragas hurls his cask to a location, dealing damage and knocking back enemies caught in the blast radius.


Janna 0
Image credit: Riot Games
Armed with the power of Runeterra's gales, Janna is a mysterious, elemental wind spirit who protects the dispossessed of Zaun. Some believe she was brought into existence by the pleas of Runeterra's sailors who prayed for fair winds as they navigated treacherous waters and braved rough tempests. Her favor and protection has since been called into the depths of Zaun, where Janna has become a beacon of hope to those in need. No one knows where or when she will appear, but more often than not, she's come to help.
  • TAILWIND (passive)Janna passively gains 8% Movement Speed, and nearby allied champions gain this bonus when moving toward her. Additionally, Janna's basic attacks cause additional magic damage based on her bonus Movement Speed.

  • HOWLING GALEBy creating a localized change in pressure and temperature, Janna is able to create a small storm that grows in size with time. She can activate the spell again to release the storm. On release this storm will fly towards the direction it was cast in, dealing damage and knocking away any enemies in its path.

  • ZEPHYRJanna summons an air elemental that passively increases her Movement Speed and enables her to pass through units. She may also activate this ability to deal damage and slow an enemy's Movement Speed. The passive is lost while this ability is on cooldown.

  • EYE OF THE STORMJanna conjures a defensive gale that shields an ally champion or turret from incoming damage and increases their Attack Damage.

  • MONSOONJanna surrounds herself in a magical storm, throwing enemies back. After the storm has settled, soothing winds heal nearby allies while the ability is active.


Jax 0
Image credit: Riot Games
Unmatched in both his skill with unique armaments and his biting sarcasm, Jax is the last known weapons master of Icathia. After his homeland was laid low by its own hubris in unleashing the Void, Jax and his kind vowed to protect what little remained. As magic now rises in the world, this slumbering threat stirs once more, and Jax roams Valoran, wielding the last light of Icathia and testing all warriors he meets to see if any are strong enough to stand beside him...
  • RELENTLESS ASSAULT (passive)Jax's consecutive basic attacks continuously increase his Attack Speed.

  • LEAP STRIKEJax leaps toward a unit. If they are an enemy, he strikes them with his weapon.

  • EMPOWERJax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next attack to deal additional damage.

  • COUNTER STRIKEJax's combat prowess allows him to dodge all incoming attacks for a short duration and then quickly counterattack, stunning all surrounding enemies.

  • GRANDMASTER'S MIGHTEvery third consecutive attack deals additional Magic Damage. Additionally, Jax can activate this ability to strengthen his resolve, increasing his Armor and Magic Resist for a short duration.


Jhin 0
Image credit: Riot Games
Jhin is a meticulous criminal psychopath who believes murder is art. Once an Ionian prisoner, but freed by shadowy elements within Ionia's ruling council, the serial killer now works as their cabal's assassin. Using his gun as his paintbrush, Jhin creates works of artistic brutality, horrifying victims and onlookers. He gains a cruel pleasure from putting on his gruesome theater, making him the ideal choice to send the most powerful of messages: terror.
  • WHISPER (passive)Jhin's hand cannon, Whisper, is a precise instrument designed to deal superior damage. It fires at a fixed rate and carries only four shots. Jhin imbues the final bullet with dark magics to critically strike and deal bonus execute damage. Whenever Whisper crits, it inspires Jhin with a burst of movement speed.

  • DANCING GRENADEJhin launches a magical cartridge at an enemy. It can hit up to four targets and gains damage each time it kills.

  • DEADLY FLOURISHJhin brandishes his cane, firing a single shot with incredible range. It pierces through minions and monsters, but stops on the first champion hit. If the target was recently struck by Jhin's allies, lotus traps, or damaged by Jhin, they are rooted.

  • CAPTIVE AUDIENCEJhin places an invisible lotus trap that blooms when walked over. It slows nearby enemies before dealing damage with an explosion of serrated petals. Beauty in Death - When Jhin kills an enemy champion, a lotus trap will bloom near their corpse.

  • CURTAIN CALLJhin channels, transforming Whisper into a shoulder-mounted mega-cannon. It is able to fire 4 super shots at extreme range that pierce through minions and monsters, but stop on the first champion impacted. Whisper cripples enemies hit, which slows them and deals execute damage. The 4th shot is perfectly crafted, epically powerful, and guaranteed to critically strike.


Jinx 0
Image credit: Riot Games
A manic and impulsive criminal from Zaun, Jinx lives to wreak havoc without care for the consequences. With an arsenal of deadly weapons, she unleashes the loudest blasts and brightest explosions to leave a trail of mayhem and panic in her wake. Jinx despises boredom, and gleefully brings her own chaotic brand of pandemonium wherever she goes.
  • GET EXCITED! (passive)Jinx receives massively increased Movement Speed and Attack Speed whenever she damages an enemy champion, epic monster, or structure that is then killed or destroyed within 3 seconds.

  • SWITCHEROO!Jinx modifies her basic attacks by swapping between Pow-Pow, her minigun and Fishbones, her rocket launcher. Attacks with Pow-Pow grant Attack Speed, while attacks with Fishbones deal area of effect damage, gain increased range, and drain Mana.

  • ZAP!Jinx uses Zapper, her shock pistol, to fire a blast that deals damage to the first enemy hit, slowing and revealing it.

  • FLAME CHOMPERS!Jinx throws out a line of snare grenades that explode after 5 seconds, lighting enemies on fire. Flame Chompers will bite enemy champions who walk over them, rooting them in place.

  • SUPER MEGA DEATH ROCKET!Jinx fires a super rocket across the map that gains damage as it travels. The rocket will explode upon colliding with an enemy champion, dealing damage to it and surrounding enemies based on their missing Health.


Lux 0
Image credit: Riot Games
Luxanna Crownguard hails from Demacia, an insular realm where magical abilities are viewed with fear and suspicion. Able to bend light to her will, she grew up dreading discovery and exile, and was forced to keep her power secret, in order to preserve her family's noble status. Nonetheless, Lux's optimism and resilience have led her to embrace her unique talents, and she now covertly wields them in service of her homeland.
  • ILLUMINATION (passive)Lux's damaging spells charge the target with energy for 6 seconds. Lux's next attack ignites the energy, dealing bonus magic damage (depending on Lux's level) to the target.

  • LIGHT BINDINGLux releases a sphere of light that binds and deals damage to up to two enemy units.

  • PRISMATIC BARRIERLux throws her wand and bends the light around any friendly target it touches, protecting them from enemy damage.

  • LUCENT SINGULARITYFires an anomaly of twisted light to an area, which slows nearby enemies. Lux can detonate it to damage enemies in the area of effect.

  • FINAL SPARKAfter gathering energy, Lux fires a beam of light that deals damage to all targets in the area. In addition, triggers Lux's passive ability and refreshes the Illumination debuff duration.

Wild Rift champions guide part 2 of 4

That's it for our second guide to the champions of the upcoming Wild Rift. Two down, two to go. We'll look at the second half of the roster in the next two Wild Rift champions guides. Until then, here are some more Wild Rift to tide you over:

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....