Jim Carrey Cast As New Marvel Villain

According to an insider-leak, Jim Carrey will take on the role of MODOK in upcoming MCU movies. More details below.

Jim carrey modok marvel
Rumor has it that Jim Carrey will play MODOK. | © Jim Carrey, MODOK

Marvel movies have become the new Western. Yes, Marvel movies have also become their own genre, and they attract absolutely everything and everyone that Hollywood has to offer. Now, Jim Carrey is the latest a-lister to make the jump into the MCU:

Jim Carrey Will Play MODOK

Yes, you read that right, and also: How much sense does that make... somehow? Like, Jim Carrey would definitely not have been somebody I would've thought should play MODOK, but now that it's been leaked... I love it.

Also, you might have just read that crucial little l-word: Leak. This is not confirmed by any official source, rather this has merely been leaked in a Reddit post. Click the Reddit post at your own risk, because it contains spoilers to the new Black Panther movie and the upcoming She-Hulk movie. According to the leak, Jim Carrey will already appear as early as She-Hulk and, possibly, Ant-Man 3.

There you have it. That's all there is to it, and if you don't know MODOK, we recommend the brilliant animated show. MODOK essentially is a Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing, and, if you can't tell by the name, he's a bit tongue in cheek, as is his design, which is why Disney will apparently tone the aesthetics down drastically.

Well... again: It's all rumors and leaks for now, but the casting choice does make a lot of sense, and if Jim Carrey was open to appear in Sonic... why not the MCU?

Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....