Photos Leaked Of Johnny Depp In First New Role Since Heard Case

After the upsetting recent case between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, the star is back to work. And the first shots have emerged from his new role, Louis XV, for a French historical romance called Jeanne du Barry.

New Johnny Depp Role
But will Heard find work so easily? | © Wikipedia

We're slowly all getting over the Depp vs. Heard case (if you live under a rock: it seems two people were pretty awful to each other, but she took it to the press, and he was able to sue for millions). And while she would claim it's a "setback for women everywhere", Johnny Depp still has millions upon millions of fans (seriously, a lot of folks love him). So it should be no surprise that he's back to acting again. And we've just had a sneak peek at his new character.

Johnny Depp's New Film

Johnny Depp's first role since the trial with Amber Heard will be as King Louis XV in a French film called Jeanne du Barry. It's going to be a period-drama, and although they're keeping the plot under wraps, it will almost certainly be focused on the king's relationship with his various mistresses. King Louis XV is a legendary figure in French history, known first and foremost for his debauchery. The film is currently being shot across France, directed by Maiwenn.

You will get to see the film on Netflix eventually, but, to be clear, Netflix aren't funding the film. They're buying the rights to it once it's completed its theatrical run in France. As one source told Variety:

Netflix is not financing the movie but has licensed the film to stream in France only after it completes the country’s 15-month theatrical window. The film is not a Netflix original.

You'll get to see Johnny Depp's French on display in the film, which is rumored to be very good. Although it's said he still speaks with a distinct American accent.

And (drum roll please) here he is in the film:

Johnny Depp
Où êtes-vous ma chère? | © Why Not Productions

When Will Jeanne du Barry Be Released?

Jeanne du Barry does not have an official release date, but given they're filming in the summer of 2022, we imagine a late 2023 release date is to be expected. We cannot guarantee it won't be longer, but that would give ample time for post-production. And who knows, maybe you'll already be seeing Johnny Depp in a lot more by then. He might even make the move to the small screen for a miniseries? There are more and more shows coming out this year that look better than anything in the cinema.

We would love to see Johnny in one of these game-adaptions, if they ever happen:

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....