Magic: The Gathering Getting a Netflix Show

magic: the gathering netflix show
What would a Magic: The Gathering Netflix Show look like? | © Wizards of the Coast

Magic: The Gathering is coming to Netflix, and we even have a rough release date! What would a Magic: The Gathering Netflix Show look like, and would it be good? Let's take a look at everything we know about the new Magic: The Gathering Netflix Show. Who is in the show, and what is the Magic: The Gathering Netflix Show Release Date?

It's official, folks, it's official. What more could we want? Tons of stuff is coming to Netflix and Amazon Prime. Tons of games, comic books, and more. It is truly getting wild! A cash grab? Maybe. Do we care? Not really. Magic: The Gathering is getting a Netflix Show, and we're frothing all over it...

Oh jeez, Magic: The Gathering is coming to Netflix? Hell yes! What else is going on over at Netflix?


What is the Magic: The Gathering Netflix Show?

Netflix is getting a Magic: The Gathering show, staring Brandon Routh as Gideon Jura! Isn't that just crazy? Superman is playing Gideon Jura. Let me repeat that again: Superman is playing Gideon Jura. Alright, it's time to stop geeking now.

It seems like the Magic: The Gathering Netflix Show will be a 3D-animated show, and not a live-action experience. We are actually pretty happy about this, because all-too-often games get adapted as films or tv-shows, and are made live-action. Sometimes this works, but it usually does not work at all.

In terms of Magic: The Gathering, its art-style and character models suit an animated show, and though there is very little know so-far about the Netflix Show, this is a really positive first step. What do you think, though? Personally, I am hyped, but I can also understand a tad-bit of trepidation about this one. If a Magic: The Gathering Netflix Show sucked... it would be a huge disappointment...

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When is the Magic: The Gathering Netflix Show Release Date?

It seems that the Magic: The Gathering Netflix Show will release at some point in 2022. We are not sure exactly when, but this date seems much sooner than we thought. Let's be real: it's August, 2021. We are only four months away from 2022. We assume that the TV-Show will come out later next year, at the earliest, but still... 2022? That's super soon, and super exciting! A Magic: The Gathering Netflix Show? Let me just go and get my popcorn...

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...