Pokimane Has Banned an Insane Amount of People from Twitch Stream

Pokimane has banned over 10 million accounts from her Twitch channel
Pokimane has banned over 10 million accounts from her Twitch channel. (Credit: Pokimane)

Imane "Pokimane" Anys has millions of followers on Twitch, so naturally, she has millions of people checking into her Twitch streams. Not all of them are friendly, but the streamer has a way of dealing with the ill-mannered: by handing them a ban from her stream.

How Many Followers Does Pokimane Have on Twitch?

Pokimane is one of the most popular gaming influencers and streamers. Her channel on Twitch has 7.6 million subscribers. Not everyone in the chat is friendly, however, as suggested by the insane number of accounts banned from Pokimane's Twitch channel.

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How Many People Has Pokimane Banned from Her Twitch Channel?

These numbers are truly staggering. Are you ready? Pokimane has banned a whopping 350,000 accounts from her own Twitch chat. Doesn't seem that much? Well, then you should hold on to your hat, because this is just the number of human accounts that have been removed. It doesn't include bots.

Now, if we add bots, the value goes up to a modest 10 million banned accounts. Ten. Million. That's ludicrous! We can't begin to imagine the spam that's been going on in Pokimane's chat.

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But honestly, we are more perplexed by the human-controlled accounts that received the boot. 10 million bots is a mind-blowing number for sure, yet it's just bots. They are supposed to be many and annoying. 350,000 humans though? Crazy.

Not that we should be too surprised given Pokimane's recent trend of showing comments from some of those banned Twitch accounts. Then you begin to understand why the statistics are as they are.

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