Even though her character already died, Grace van Dien had some interesting insights into Stranger Things season 5.

Stranger Things, season 5 will start filming soon and Chrissy Buckingham's actress, Grace van Dien claims that an important character is going to die in the upcoming final season of the beloved retro show.
Grace van Dien Claims Important Character Will Die in Season 5
DISCLAIMER: Please beware this article contains major spoilers for Stranger Things season 4.
Ever since Eddie Munson died in season 4 (spoiler), the creators of Stranger Things raised the stakes for the upcoming continuation of the story. Fans know that even the fan favorite characters might not be safe anymore.
- If you want a cool Eddie Munson figure as decoration for your work place, or home, here is something for you
With filming for season 5 starting soon, fans are already trying to predict all kinds of twists and turns the future might bring for the show. Now Grace van Dien dropped an absolute bombshell, teasing the death of an “important” character.
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Fans are gobbling this news up like crazy, making up new theories on who is going to die, what major character death might have already been hinted at in previous seasons and so on.
The front-runner for a possible "important" character that might die in season 5 seems to be Dustin.
Sadly, he had major death flags in previous seasons, that were summed up perfectly in this tweet right here:
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On the other hand, most of the main cast had some huge death flags over the runtime of the show, so it will be hard to accurately narrow it down to just one member of the Hellfire Club.
Netflix is really stepping up their game for Stranger Things, even working on a VR game for the popular franchise:
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