Video: Viewer Sets Twitch Streamers Car On Fire

A Twitch streamer had her car lit on fire by a viewer and managed to capture the situation on camera! Here is what happened.

Twitch streamer Kylee "justfoxii" Carter recently revealed on Twitter, that a viewer came all the way to her house and set her car on fire. The streamer managed to capture the events on camera, showing exactly what happened.

Thankfully, nobody was hurt, and the culprit has since been taken into custody, resulting in the best possible outcome of a shitty situation.


Twitch Streamer Captures Viewer Setting Her Car On Fire On Video

In a video addressing the situation, the streamer talked about dealing with other issues for a long time, including her getting stalked.

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The situation apparently happened 2 weeks prior to her uploading the video. At the time, justfoxxi was on vacation, when her mom called her at 2 AM, explaining that somebody set her car on fire.

When the streamer looked at the camera recordings, the first thing she saw was her car in flames. Thankfully, the cameras recorded the culprit while he was doing it, providing her with enough evidence for the police to catch him.

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Apparently the person was a Twitch viewer who traveled 700 miles (≈ 1,127 km) to her house to set her car on fire, which is pretty insane!

  • If you want to support justfoxxi you can so by using your free Prime Sub, you get for having an Amazon Prime membership on her Twitch channel!

When the firefighter arrived, the fire had already spread and burned the side of her house as well, but they were able to prevent the situation from getting any worse.

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justfoxii describes how the situation has impacted her, detailing how she won't be able to continue with streaming the way she used to for a while, as she has to deal with the aftermath.


Twitch streamer have to deal with some of the most insane sh*t imaginable:

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Robert Bachhuber

As a master graduate of sociology who wrote his thesis about Twitch, Robert knows a fair share about streaming. Adding to that, he loves binge-watching TV shows, so he got entertainment covered....