FC Schalke 04 fail to secure LEC win vs Origen

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Image credit: Riot Games

Schalke 04 are once more off to a bad start of the LEC 2020 Summer season. Against Origen, they came close – but it was not close enough.

The German organization is no stranger to starting a season with a losing streak and being memed about it, and having to play this game with a substitute jungler did not make it any easier. Origen, meanwhile, was a team of highs and lows – which OG would we see tonight?

OG shows Volibear in play

The game started with both teams focusing on the top lane. OG jungler Andrei "Xerxe" Dragomir took first blood on his Volibear 4 minutes in but an attempt to invade a minute later found his counterpart Erberk "Gilius" Demir lurking in the bushes, giving S04 a kill back.

The teams were virtually even in the early game and the German team had the early drakes as well as better scaling.

The power of a good carry

A long fight kicked off with a kill for the Royal Blues but Origen’s AD Carry Elias "Upset" Lipp showed he had come to play and turned it around for a 4-2 in his team’s favor despite playing most of the fight with under 20% HP. His Ezreal would continue to be a deciding factor in the mid-game fights, ending the game with a 6/0/6 scoreline after a 4:0 fight where Origen dominate Schalke and smashed into their base to end the game before the respawns could come.

Despite the game being virtually even for the first 20 minutes, Origen once more showed that they can exploit a lead. Even with Gilius, Schalke looked solid for most of the game but they found themselves exposed when they had to play on the back foot. They have now equalized their seven-game losing streak from the spring – and if they cannot break it soon, they are looking at another disappointing split.


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