That didn't take long – FIFA 22 has been in Early Access since September 22nd, but the community suffers again already. The goalkeepers in particular are causing frustration in the community.
You know this. The same problems as every year. Either they somehow scrape every ball off the line or just keep missing every damn ball. EA Sports had repeatedly promised in recent months that the goalkeepers in FIFA 22 will be improved. And as Anakin Skywalker would shout on Mustafar: Liar!
In the end, EA did nothing more than change the goalkeepers to demi-gods. When Bernd Leno suddenly plays like Prime Iker Casillas then you know that something isn't right in this game. But we wouldn't be talking about FIFA if it didn't go the other way as well. The goalkeepers in FIFA 22 are both godlike and terrific at the same time. EA calls it a feature, we call it a bug.
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Goalkeepers in FIFA 22: Bugs or Feature?
When you lead with 22-5 shots on goal, but the game still ends up with a 3-3, than the rage quit is damn near. Especially when the opposing goalie simply saves every shot – whether from a distance of 20 or 5 meters. Of course, your own goalie plays like Kepa again. It feels something like this:
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But these superhuman goalkeepers are clearly in the majority. Embarrassing ping pong goals have been part of FIFA's inventory for years, but good goalkeepers? Nope. Never. That begs the question: is the goalie boost wanted? Or does EA want to sell us a bug as a feature? After all, the community wanted the goalies to get stronger... but that's probably too much of that.
But although it's frustrating a little bit – it brings a breeze of fresh air into FIFA. You can no longer 'finesse' your way to glory, you have to work a lot more to score a goal. The goalkeepers move smarter, the new animations make parades look even more epic. Even if you often have to ask yourself why your own goalie actually earns 100k a week, you can also see the superhuman 'feature' positively.
Whether EA intervenes remains to be seen. An update for the goalkeepers in the Day One Patch is likely, but not certainly given. EA knows its community... If the publisher reacts to one complaint, the fans want to get more. But well... for 70 euros you can also expect a working game. Even without strange 'features' like this.
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