Guide: The Best Way To Spend Your 4600 FIFA Points

4600 FIFA Points Was kaufen
Here's what to do with your 4600 FIFA Points in FIFA 22. | EA Sports/EarlyGame

FIFA 22 is a stone's throw away, and maybe you've already pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition. Well, if you have, then you've secured yourself 4600 FIFA Points. But how do you spend them? Here's how! Every FIFA Ultimate Team player is familiar with the grind for coins. But if you're feeling a little too tired of the grind then, of course, there is always the option to buy FIFA Points. And if you grab the FIFA Ultimate Edition, you'll get a nice 4600 FIFA Points right from the start. Keep in mind that you want to invest those points as soon as you can. There are basically several ways and means to turn your FIFA Points into players. You can try your luck in draft mode, strike at upcoming events, or, of course, emulate your favorite YouTube stars and open packs until you destroy your television for joy. Let's go through these possible purchases.

What Do I Buy With FIFA Points - How Do I Properly Invest In Ultimate Team?

First of all, you should know that you can transfer your FIFA 21 Points to FIFA 22. So if you still have points lying around, be sure to take them with you and then choose one of these options:

FIFA 22: FUT Draft At The Start Of Ultimate Team

In FUT's Draft mode, you can spend 300 FIFA Points to spin the wheel of fortune and fill your team with random players.

From there, you can start using the team to accrue more points. You can choose whether you want to play online against other players, or offline against the A.I. Logically, the rewards are better online. In other words: If you have a good team, and you feel confident, then play online.If, however, you already notice in the first game that you're not up to scratch with the competition, then maybe bail out early for offline play. You will get fewer rewards here, but at the same time, you can complete the milestones, which will also help you.

Buy Packs In FIFA 22 Ultimate Team

"Should I just buy packs - is it best to dump money into FIFA right away?" The question that arises every year.Whether to buy packs has become almost a philosophical question in the FIFA community. But if you "only" have 4600 FIFA Points and don't really want to spend another hundred for FIFA 22, then heed our warning: keep your hands off the packs.

You know how it works: packs are a game of chance. You can have Ronaldo straight away in the first, followed by Messi and Mbappé. But in reality, you only get useless nonsense that cannot even be easily converted into coins or used for SBCs.But if it's just too tempting, then go ahead, you can throw your starting budget directly into packs and hope for the best. Much luck... you'll need it.

Use FIFA Points At FIFA 22 Events

Are you someone with the patience to avoid buying packs immediately? Good, because that is a crucial key to success: Wait until the first Team of the Week is released and only get packs when special cards can be included.Don't forget that Ones-to-Watch cards will be available in October and you can get dynamic players who can improve. In the best-case scenario, you should wait until you have a chance for Team of the Year player - but they won't come until January, so no shame if you want to use the FIFA Points before then.

Using FIFA Points In FIFA 22: The Verdict

Unfortunately, the answer is: be patient. Don't blindly buy into packs only to be disappointed. Don't complete 15 draft rounds on the first day, only to end up with "okay" rewards. The connoisseur waits and invests at the right time.But, as I said: if you buy far more than 4600 FIFA Points anyway, there is no point in saving them to have them for (the perhaps free) FIFA 23.

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....