Fnatic snatch victory in uphill battle against Misfits Gaming

Image credit: Riot Games

Fnatic had no business winning the game, but the veterans snatched victory from the jaws of defeat

Coming off a very strong spring season (especially if we ignore the playoff finals) Fnatic came in this game as the favorite. However, Misfits Gaming had a reputation of being giantslayers and would seek to take one more upset win.

Misfits struck first with a pair of kills in the mid and bot lane, but eventually their overreached and 10 minutes in, Fnatic collapsed on a botlane gank and took three kills, all going to Oskar "Selfmade" Boderek’s Lee Sin. The seven-times champions of Europe would gather a lead before a catch on their support Zdravets "Hylissang"Galabov saw Misfits equalize. 21 minutes in, the underdogs would take over the game after securing a Baron and 4 kills, then using it to take the top inhibitor. Fnatic secured a cloud soul 27minutes in, but lost their mid laner and two inhibitors.

Three minutes later, Misfits committed to the Baron. With a Kalista and a Smite the baron should have been theirs, but mistiming of the abilities left it open for Fnatic AD Carry Martin "Rekkles" Larsson to steal. Even worse, Misfits committed to chase only to lose three. The spring finalists were back in the game and 33 minutes in would secure an Elder Drake to well and truly take the lead. Now it was Misfits who had no answer as they lost all three inhibitors before Fnatic took three kills in the enemy base to end the game.

It was a rollercoaster of a game and Misfits were half a second away from winning it before a stolen baron and a won teamfight turned the tables around. Fnatic will take the win, but they cannot be happy with much of the game. It will take more for the team to reach the level they no doubt expect of themselves

The LEC continues on Saturday with the German showdown between SK Gaming and FC Schalke 04. In the meantime, check out the rest of our LoL coverage here.