Fortnite Error Codes: Explanations And Solutions

Fortnite Aquaman DC Comics Chapter 2 Season 3
The error codes should soon be a thing of the past, or at least you'll know what to do. (Image credit: Epic Games)

The computer says no. Fortnite won't start and you don't know why? No problem: Here are all important error codes, what they mean, and how to fix them!

Do you want to go with Fortnite? TJA PECH! A wild error code has come up and it looks like you have no idea what went wrong. But don't panic, we're here. Don't despair, ask EarlyGame... We have the error codes, their meaning and remedy against the annoying messages.

Error Codes

  • bad_module_info has stopped working

Start the game as administrator, update the graphics card driver and Windows.


  • Connection problems

Check your internet connection. If there's nothing wrong, it's the server.


  • The error code appears during download on the PC

Download it as an administrator.


Run a hard drive check. Your memory may also be causing problems. Epic Games has more info on this.

White Screen

  • That would be the Epic Games Launcher

Terminate all launch processes and search C:\User\PC-NAME\AppData\Local\ EpicGamesLauncher\Saved\ and delete the web cache files.

Error Code 0

  • Please restart your client

Verify the game files as administrator and open launcher settings. Type "sfc/scannow" at the command prompt.

Error Code 91

  • The party is currently not responding to join requests

Verify the game files in the launcher settings or set the party status to private.

Error Code 93

  • You can't join the party.

Change the skin, set the lobby to public, or join friends on the Epic Games List.

Error Code 500

  • You can't start the game

Here we wait and see. Epic is always working on bugs like this.

Error Code 30005

  • Game cannot be started due to an anti-cheat bug

Open C:\Program Files (x86)\EasyAntiCheat and delete the .sys file. Then start EasyAntiCheat-Setup.exe.

CE-34878-0 (for PS4)

  • PS4 Crash

Perform a system and software update

CE-40852-9 (for PS4)

  • Error during PS4 Download

Reconnect to the Internet and verify IP and MTU automatically


  • The wrong launcher is running

Quit the game, update the launcher and restart Fortnite.


  • The game is incorrectly installed

Uninstall the game or follow the instructions from Epic.


  • No connection to the patch server

Check the Serverstatus.


  • the game does not start

It is best to follow Epic's instructions.


  • Application still running

Go to the Task Manager and stop any processes.


Make sure that you are the administrator and restart.


Make sure that there is enough space on your hard drive and if not, you can see here how to create it.


That shouldn't happen to you. Your account is suspended.

AS-0001 & AS-18004

Learn your login data better in the future!

If you would like to fix the connection problems with the Epic Games Launcher and Fortnite, here are some instructions.

More news about Fortnite and the world of gaming and esports can be found as always on EarlyGame and the EarlyGame YouTube channel.

Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...