When playing with a keyboard and mouse on Fortnite, it can be tricky to know which keys are the most optimal to use in order to perform at your best. In this article, we'll guide you to give you a better idea of the ideal Fortnite PC keybinds.
Whether you're on a console or PC, you can connect a keyboard and mouse by default or to replace the use of a controller. However, at the beginning it can be complicated to find the right keys to associate with the multiple actions you can perform in Fortnite, especially in the build modes.
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We'll try to guide you through the process by showing you the best key binds to use for different actions in Fortnite. Without further ado, go into your Fortnite settings if you're still unsure about certain key binds. You should also be aware that if you have several extra buttons on your mouse, your choice will be even easier.
The optimal Key Binds for Fortnite
First, go to "Settings", then "Keyboard Controls".
- Move forward: W
- Move left: A
- Move backward: S
- Move right: D
WASD is a great way to start. We strongly advise against using the arrow keys to move around, mainly because they are too far away from other useful keys.
- Jump: Space Bar or Mouse Wheel Down
- Sprint: Enable "Sprint by Default" option
- Auto run: Find a key nowhere near WASD, like: F1, Y, U, H or B
- Crouch/Slide: Left Alt or Left Ctrl
- Force jog: Left Shift
- Fire: Left Mouse Button
- Target: Right Mouse Button
You can't really replace these two mouse buttons for aiming. It may be a bit confusing at first but you will get used to it very quickly.
- Reload: R
- Use: X
- Harvesting tool: 1
- Weapon slot 1: 2
- Weapon slot 2: 3
- Weapon slot 3: 4
- Weapon slot 4: 5
- Weapon slot 5: Middle Mouse Button (press the wheel)
We do not recommend using key 6 for your last weapon slot as this key is quite far from WASD.
- Wall: Q
- Floor: X
- Stairs: F
- Roof: C
- Trap: T
- Place building: Left Mouse Button
- Repair/Upgrade: G
- Rotate building: R
- Change building material: Right Mouse Button
- Building Edit: E
- Select building edit: Right Mouse Button
- Reset building edit: Left Mouse Button
You then have many more buttons to configure for the different vehicles and Creative mode but they are clearly not essential at first. Make sure you set up the keys for entering and exiting the vehicles in the current season so you don't get stuck.
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