FNCS Season 7 Finals: EU Results

FNCS Fortnite Finals
The Best of the Best in Fortnite. | © Epic Games

The end of Season 7 is near. So it's time for the Fortnite Champion Series! In the official Fortnite tournament from Epic Games, the best teams from all regions compete against each other. You can read here who was able to prevail in the first round of the FNCS Finals in the EU region!

The Fortnite Champion Series are entering the hot phase. The FNCS finals are all about prize money of a whopping 3 million US dollars and the pickaxes of the champions. The various trio teams have been fine-tuning their strategies since the semi-finals and are ready for the finals. Over the weekend there will be 12 matches for each region, so 6 per day.

Read more: Fortnite Crew Legacy Set: Upgrade Your Pickaxe & Back Bling

The European Fortnite pros were the first ones to start into the weekend. In the early Sunday morning NA-East and NA-West regions follow.

The EU region not only offers the largest prize money of all regions, but also probably the best talent pool. The 99 remaining players (33 trios) fought for the victory in the Fortnite Champion Series Season 7 Chapter 2. As it is so often the case, the event was a mixture of drama, excitement and lot of close fighting. In the end, however, only one trio can be at the top. But who was able to prevail on the first day of the finals in the EU?

FNCS Season 7 Finals: Results of EU

1st Placekiryachelfg, EvozA Stormyrite, Gambit Toose119 Points
2nd PlaceWAVE VADEAL, BL, аlways on height117 Points
3rd Placepinquk, nebs 04, mouz stompy111 Points
4th PlaceWavy TChypSs, FNX Artskill, Homyno XpeR92 Points
5th PlaceFalcon Refsgaard, 00 Endretta, 100T MrSavage91 Points
6th PlaceCentric Hottie, elokratz, trippernn90 Points

Although the team around kiryachelfg could not secure a single Victory Royale, the trio is still at the top after the first round. Two points behind are WAVE VADEAL and his partners.

Due to problems, matches 4 and 5 were canceled and will be replayed on Sunday. Several teams were kicked out of the game due to an error in the game. The first round of the NA East and NA West Region Finals will take place on early Sunday morning. Of course we will also provide you with the results for these events!

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