Fortnite Streamer Clix Banned From Twitch

Clix has been banned for the third time. (Credit: Clix)

Professional Fortnite player and streamer Clix has been banned from Twitch. Since this is not his first rodeo with the ban system, people fear it might be for good this time.

Clix is only 16 years old, but already made it so far with his professional career and as a streamer. However, Twitch also has a say in that matter. Now he got banned again from the platform. In his post on Twitter, he fears this time the ban will be permanent:

Luckily, Clix still has his loyal fanbase on his side. After he tweeted about the Twitch ban, the hashtag "FreeClix" became number one on trending. Clix thanked his supporters and regained some hope to be back on Twitch soon:

It is not clear why Twitch has banned Clix another time. People are getting more angry with every ban that doesn't seem justified at all. But Twitch chooses to remain silent about individual cases and always refers to their general rules.

Are you feeling the same way? Should Twitch comment on individual bans? Drop us a line on Discord!


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