Lego Fortnite: How To Get More Hearts

Lego Fortnite is an exciting new survival mode in which you can craft, fight and roam around in an open world. However, this world also harbors dangers, which is why you should definitely upgrade your health. We'll show you how to get more hearts in the new, popular mode.

Lego Fortnite Hearts
Lego Fortnite: We show you how to get more hearts! | © Epic Games

LEGO Fortnite has quickly become one of the best survival games in 2023. It's a fun mix of the crazy Fortnite mechanics with the famous Lego aesthetic, which also reminds a bit of Minecraft. The game revolves around collecting resources to build your structures and avoiding death. That can be quite challenging, as there are many enemies, making the environment unsafe. However, you can upgrade your hearts to get more life. We will show you how to do that.


How To Get More Hearts In Lego Fortnite

When you start a new Lego Fortnite game, you initially have only 3 hearts. And believe me when I say that it's not enough, especially in the challenging areas where some enemies can one-shot you with this low amount of health. Therefore, you should definitely upgrade your hearts! In total, you can possess up to 20 hearts and receive up to 5 additional bonus hearts, which disappear after taking damage.

Hearts through Totems and Charms

Fortnite Lucky Charms Totems
Lucky Charms Totems are inevitable for survival in the Lego world. | © Epic Games

You can upgrade your hearts by crafting and equipping Charms and Totems in your inventory. Depending on the Charm or Totem, you can get between 1 and 7 additional hearts. However, you can also stack them.

The cool thing is that these items not only give you more hearts but also provide armor and special effects, such as preventing quick freezing in cold areas.

Here you will find a list of all Lego Fortnite Charms and Totems, how to craft them, and their effects.


Bonus Hearts through Food

You can also equip bonus hearts through food. Food not only fills the character's hunger but also provides healing benefits. All food in Lego Fortnite regenerates health. However, some of them are better than others.

Because with certain food, you also get additional effects, including bonus hearts, and not just a few!


You can find food either in chests or craft it yourself. Here is an overview of each food with bonus hearts:

  • Slap Juice: +3 Bonus Hearts
  • Spicy Burger: +4 Hearts
  • Meat Pie: +4 Bonus Hearts
  • Pizza: +5 Bonus Hearts

Now that you know how to get more hearts in Lego Fortnite, you should have no problems roaming the world and exploring new environments or enemies!

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Alisa Eiber

Alisa is not only Fortnite Lead at EarlyGame but also streams passionately on Twitch. Here she plays games like Fortnite and Valorant together with her community on a daily basis and therefore always knows what's going on....