Planned "No Build" mode could change Fortnite forever

According to a new Fortnite leak, Epic Games is working on a "No Build" playlist. But what is this supposed to look like? Here are the details.

Fortnite No Build Mode
Will we no longer have to build in Fortnite? | © Epic Games

No matter what game you play, the goal of any Battle Royale game is to be the last player, or the last team, to survive. However, compared to other titles in the Battle Royale genre, Fortnite is unique in some ways. This is mainly due to the building mechanic, which is an essential part of the game. But now a leak has hinted that Epic Games is working on a "No Build" playlist.

"No Build"-Playlist in Fortnite Leaked

Over time, of course, the building skills of the players have evolved. At the beginning of the game, not many players knew how to build properly and it took a while to master the feature. But that also means that players new to Fortnite have a harder time and get shi**ed more often than they'd like. So how nice would an old-fashioned firefight in Fortnite be for starters?

A Fortnite data miner named GMatrixGames shared an image on Twitter that refers to just such a mode. The image contains the filename "No Build Duos" and the leaker says that the developers are currently testing this mode as a new playlist.

In fact, this leak is met with great joy from the community. A new playlist doesn't mean that the Battle Royale mode with the build function will disappear, but only that you can choose between the two variants. Especially for newcomers to Fortnite, this mode would be brilliant to get used to the game before being thrown in at the deep end.

As always with leaks, this one should be taken with a grain of salt. Without an official confirmation from Epic Games, we can't say for sure if a "No Build" playlist will appear in Fortnite Season 8 or sometime later in the game. After all, this mode would completely change large parts of the game. However, it could also be an opportunity to bring even more players from other games into the Fortnite fold. We'll see what Epic decides to do.

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Paul Hayes

I did my BA in English Lit. and Language Studies at Western University in Canada and I use to play MTG competitively, but sadly to no success so I write instead! If a game doesn't challenge me, it's not the...