Fortnite OG: Should History Become A Mainstay?

Fortnite's Chapter 4 Season OG has ignited a fiery debate among its fanbase: should this nostalgic throwback become a permanent part of the gaming landscape?

Fortnite meteor og season
Would you play Fortnite OG for years? | © Epic Games

In the ever-evolving world of Fortnite, a recent discussion sparked by popular gaming influencer HYPEX on Twitter has the community buzzing. The debate? Whether Fortnite OG, the nostalgia-packed mode that revisits the glory days of Chapter 1, should become a permanent fixture alongside future chapters of the game.

The Debate Over Making Fortnite OG Mode Permanent

One user argues that not making Fortnite OG a permanent mode would mean missing out on a significant number of concurrent players. They believe that the essence of Chapter 1 can coexist harmoniously with the upcoming Chapter 5, providing variety and choice for the game's vast player base.

However, another perspective highlights the risks of overindulging in nostalgia. A user pointed out that the original Chapter 1 map had its time, and extending Fortnite OG beyond a month could lead to a steep decline in player interest. They emphasize that nostalgia has its charms but is best enjoyed in moderation, as seen in the last resort season.

Some community members propose a compromise: limiting Fortnite OG's presence to a few weeks around Fortnite's anniversary or rotating it as a Limited Time Mode (LTM). This approach would keep the nostalgia fresh and exciting without overshadowing the game's continuous evolution.

The final viewpoint hinges on how Fortnite OG is managed. If it remains a separate mode without updates or weekly changes, it's predicted to lose player interest in under six months. However, if it receives regular updates and evolves like the main game, it might just be a resounding success.

In conclusion, while opinions vary, the community's engagement highlights Fortnite's unique ability to unite players in passionate discussion. The decision to keep Fortnite OG as a permanent mode depends on balancing nostalgia with innovation, ensuring that both old and new players find something to love in the ever-changing landscape of Fortnite.

Gaston Cuny

Gaston is a writer covering various Fortnite & Entertainment topics for EarlyGame. Previously, Gaston worked for Dexerto's editorial staff, writing guides and news articles....