Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3: All Scoped Weapons

In the Fortnite quests of Week 7 you have to deal 2,000 damage to enemies with scoped weapons! We'll show you what these weapons are and where you can find them.

Fortnite deal damage opponents scoped weapons
Fortnite: Eliminate enemies with scoped weapons! | © Epic Games

A new week has begun and that also means new Fortnite quests! While most of the challenges are relatively easy as always, one quest is giving players a headache. This one is called "Dead damage to opponents with scoped weapons".

In itself, the quest isn't that hard, but the question arises as to what scoped weapons are available in Chapter 4 Season 3 and where you can find them. But don't worry, we'll help you!

All Scoped Weapons In Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3

Since we unfortunately had to say goodbye to the Heavy Sniper at the beginning of the Season, there are currently only two scoped weapons left in Fortnite. These are the MK Alpha Assault Rifle and the Thermal DMR.

Both weapons are part of Fortnite's normal loot pool, meaning you can find them on the ground, in normal and rare chests, and in holo chests.


You can also buy the Thermal DMR from the two NPCs Trace and Aura. And if you defeat Relik, he will drop you the mythical version of the MK Alpha Assault Rifle. The three characters are located in the following places on the Fortnite map:

scoped weapons npc Fortnite
These characters will give you scoped weapons! | © Epic Games

Once you have a scope weapon, all you have to do is deal 2,000 damage to enemies with it and the challenge is done. Since that's quite a lot, we advise you to complete the challenge in Fortnite's Team Rumble mode.


Then the quest should be completed pretty quickly. As a reward, you will receive 30,000 XP for your Battle Pass.

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Gaston Cuny

Gaston is a writer covering various Fortnite & Entertainment topics for EarlyGame. Previously, Gaston worked for Dexerto's editorial staff, writing guides and news articles....