Fortnite Shadow Bombs: Where to Find Them & How to Use Them

The "Shadows of Phantasm" week has started and has brought back the shadow bombs, among other things. We'll show you where to find the item and how to use it.

Fortnite Schattenbomben
Move with the shadows... | © Epic Games

Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 3 is slowly coming to an end, but to really heat up the game, Epic is constantly adding new contracts, map changes and items.

And now a very special item came back into play that even makes you invisible: the shadow bomb. We'll show you how this item works and where to find it.


How to use the Shadow Bombs in Fortnite

The Shadow Bomb is a rather uncommon commodity in Fortnite. You can throw the bomb at yourself to transform into an invisible shadowy figure for 6 seconds. While under the effect, you gain the ability to double jump, jump off walls, and move faster. Also, you don't get any fall damage.

The only problem: while you're surrounded by the effect, you can't open chests or loot weapons. But for a quick getaway before a fight, this item is perfect.


This is where you can find the Shadow Bombs in Fortnite

The Shadow Bomb is part of the normal loot pool until September 7th, 2022 at 15:00 CEST. This means players can find them anywhere rarer loot can be found. Basically it can be anywhere, in boxes, on the ground, or in loot drops. The quickest way to find something is to search in large POIs like Tilted Towers, Rave Cave, Sleepy Sound or Daily Bugle. In all of these locations, you have a wide variety of loot to choose from.

For more Fortnite:

Andres Aquino
Andres Aquino
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