Where to Dance at Crackshot Cabin and Sgt. Winter's Workshop

Emote at Crackshot and Sgt. Winters Workshop for some easy Winterfest XP in Fortnite.

Fortnite winterfest dance crackshot cabin winterfest workshop
Break out a dance move for Winterfest | © Epic Games

'Tis the Season for Fortnite Chapter 3! This week in the Winterfest Challenges we need to dance at two select locations on the new flipped Artemis map. Do not miss your chance to earn the exclusive Winterfest rewards by completing enough event challenges and getting your free fortnite Christmas loot!

Let's Ho, Ho, Ho, our way to the day 6 challenges of Fortnite's Winterfest.

Where is Crackshot Cabin on the Fortnite Map?

Crackshot cabin fortnite winterfest
Dance at Crackshot | © Epic Games/Fortnite.gg

If you have never been to Crackshot Cabin, we totally understand, as it is not exactly a hot location in the Fortnite metaverse. You will need to head to the northwest area of the island and locate a small, secluded cabin overlooking a small lake.

Crackshot Cabin is directly across the lake that also shores Logjam Lumberyard, once here you need to dance inside Crackshot Cabin. Once you pick your favorite to emote to show off, you have completed the first part of this challenge. Let's move to the next part of this challenge as you still need to dance at one more location for this Winterfest challenge, lucky it's only a hop skip, and a jump away.

Where is Sgt. Winter's Workshop on the Fortnite Map?

Sgt winters workshop fortnite wintefest
Dance party at Sgt. Winter's place! | © Epic GAmes/Fortnitegg

Sgt. Winter's Workshop is also located in the northwest area of the island and is next to Logjam Lumberyard. The workshop is located between the two roads heading southwest and is a medium-sized building with a gray roof for those of you jumping out of the battle pass.

If you are at Crackshot, then simply head further northwest across the lake, past the river, and over the small mountain that separates you from this next dance location.

Once you have arrived at Sgt. Winter's Workshop, then emote with your favorite move and the challenge will be completed. For your efforts, you are rewarded with a cool 18k XP and are that much closer to another Chapter 3 Battle Pass item.

Done and dusted, another Winterfest challenge in the books, and remember to keep checking your Sgt. Winter's home for free gifts! Also make sure to keep checking back on EarlyGame for the next set of Winterfest challenges like Icy Feet!

Paul Hayes

I did my BA in English Lit. and Language Studies at Western University in Canada and I use to play MTG competitively, but sadly to no success so I write instead! If a game doesn't challenge me, it's not the...