Fortnite: How To Get Zero Point Pretzel Effect

The Fortnitemares event is here, bringing not only new Halloween skins, but also special weapons and items to the island. One of these quests requires you to obtain the Zero Point Pretzel Effect. And we'll show you how.

Fortnite Chrome Punk
We will show you how to get the zero point pretzel effect in Fortnite. | © Epic Games

The big Fortnitemares Halloween event is back this year, and as always, there are a few challenges with juicy rewards. One of these new quests is to get you the Zero Point Pretzel effect, which you can probably guess is from the Zero Point Pretzel. We'll show you where to find this special item and explain how it works.


Fortnite: How To Use The Zero Point Pretzel

The zero point pretzel effect in Fortnite grants players a powerful ability. Consuming the pretzel allows you to hurtle through the air and teleport short distances, similar to the Zero Point Fish. You also don't take any fall damage while the effect lasts, and you're generally a little faster on foot. You can carry up to 6 zero point pretzels in your inventory.


This Is How You Get the Zero Point Pretzel

You can get the zero point pretzel in two different ways. With the Halloween event, the right decoration came to the island. In most locations you'll find pumpkin-shaped candy buckets that can drop some treats and the Zeropoint Pretzel if you destroy them. However, the goodies spawn randomly, so we cannot assure you that you will receive a pretzel this way.

For the other way, you have to pay a little visit to a new NPC, Chrome Punk, on the island. He's west on the floating platform at Flutter Barn.

Fortnite Nullpunkt Brezel
Doesn't it look delicious? | © Epic Games
To get the zero point pretzel effect in Fortnite you need to interact with Chrome Punk. He will offer you the Zero Point Pretzel for purchase for 120 gold bars. If you have enough gold with you, just buy a pretzel and consume it and you'll complete the quest and get 15K XP.
Andres Aquino
Andres Aquino