G2 defeat MAD Lions to secure spot in LEC finals

Lec playoff semifinals g2 pile
Image credit: Riot Games

LEC champions for 2019 G2 Esports had their revenge against MAD Lions in the penultimate series of the LEC Spring Split playoffs. After losing a close 2-3 series in the first round of the playoffs, G2 won the rematch 3-1 and would face off against Fnatic in Sunday’s Grand Final.


Game 1 – Flying start for G2

The 2019 LEC champions did not wait long to leave their mark on the game. Only 3 minutes in, a gank by Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski resulted in bottom laner Rasmus “Caps” Winther getting two early kills on his Vayne.

As the mid game began, G2 used their bot-lane pressure to strike elsewhere on the map. With five kills in the first 20 minutes, Caps’ Vayne was unleashed and MAD had no answers, eventually losing a 4-1 fight near the baron.

The Lions needed a big teamfight and just a minute later, they almost got it near the dragon pit but it was not enough. At 30 minutes in, G2 ended the game after Caps went on a rampage, taking out several players.

Game 2 – G2:0

The second game started much better for MAD. Jungler Zhiqiang “Shad0w” Zhao had a great early game, setting off multiple kills with his signature Lee Sin. While G2 got some hits back, at 10 minutes in, mid laner Luka “PERKZ” Perković had already died three times.

However, two minutes later, a series of mistakes by MAD allowed G2 to get back into the game and with their scaling composition, they were looking good.

It all paid off 22 minutes in, as G2 took four kills in a big teamfight to take over the map. Shortly afterward, they picked off the enemy AD carry Matyáš “Carzzy” Orság and started the Baron. To top it all off, Shad0w got killed when he came to contest.

After securing the purple buff, G2 grouped in the bottom lane and after getting two kills, they pushed forward for a second win.

Game 3 – MAD Lions strike back

It was do or die for the MAD Lions and they quickly showed they were not going to just roll over.

What started as a 3v3 in the bottom lane just 4 minutes in ended up as a 5v4 fight in the favor of the Spaniards as the teleports started coming. Over the extended fight, MAD took four kills, three of which went to Carzzy’s Ezreal.

During the following minutes, G2 were able to equalize the kills, if not the gold. The 2019 LEC champions focused their efforts in setting MAD top laner Andrei “Orome” Popa.

The Lions had to adapt and they did: 22 minutes into the game, mid laner Marek “Humanoid” Brázda used his item spike to start a fight when he jumped on Jankos and secured three kills the cloud soul for MAD. Over the next several minutes, they secured the Baron and used it to dismantle the G2 base, leading to a decisive victory in front of the Nexus.

Game 4 – the killing blow

MAD’s bot lane would have a horrible start to the fourth game as they first lost pressure and then gave Caps first blood in the opening several minutes.

The rookies opted to change lanes instead. This rotation caught G2 off-guard, triggering a prolonged fight where the Lions surprisingly got five kills for three and equalized the game. However, the 2019 champions turned on the aggression and 15 minutes in, they had a 5K gold lead.

The Lions seemed like they had gotten a pick on Martin “Wunder” Hansen in the bottom lane, but his team came to his aid. While MAD got the first kill, G2 turned it around for an ace.

Overall, G2’s composition had great defenses, further bolstered by an ocean soul secured 27 minutes in that made it hard for any damage to stick. G2 won a big teamfight near the Baron and with it, they were unstoppable as they took the decisive win.

It was a valiant effort from the LEC rookies, who showed that they fully deserved the third place in their debut split. However, all too often G2 were one move ahead. With this victory, they advance to the finals, where they would defend their title against Fnatic. Keep an eye on our League of Legends section to learn what happened next. Who are you rooting for?