Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked – New Map, Battle Pass, Gameplay Features & More

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked brings us a new map, numerous fresh characters and much more to the world of Fortnite. We have all the details for you.

Fortnite chapter 5 season 3 wrecked
Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 looks amazing! | © Epic Games

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 is finally here, bringing not only an exciting new theme to Battle Royale, but also new characters, weapons, and locations!

There are really a ton of new things... so let's dive right in!

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Map

The map has changed once again with Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked, bringing some exciting new locations. All fitting the "Post-Apocalypse" theme. These are all the new places waiting for you:

Fortnite chapter 5 season 3 map
In Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 there are 4 brand-new locations! | © Epic Games
  • Nitrodome
  • Sandy Steppes
  • Brutal Beachhead
  • Redline Rig

All these new locations perfectly match the theme and look pretty exciting! Where will you land first?

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Battle Pass

Those who purchase the new Battle Pass can now add some post-apocalyptic characters to their locker! Here are all the unlockable skins from the Battle Pass:

Fortnite chapter 5 season 3 battle pass
Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: All new Battle Pass skins! | © Epic Games
  • The Machinist (unlocked immediately upon purchase!): Control your fire.
  • Rust: Shred the wasteland.
  • Schoti: Phil, Earl, and Axle. Three peas in a pod.
  • Ringmaster Scarr: Rule the chaos. Run the destruction.
  • T-60 Power Armor: Courtesy of the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • Brite Raider: Drive fast. Burn bright.
  • Megalo Don: Nitro-fueled apex predator.

Later in the season, you'll also have the opportunity to unlock the "Wasteland Magneto" outfit through Battle Pass quests!

The Battle Pass costs, as always, 950 V-Bucks, and within the Battle Pass you can earn up to 1,500 V-Bucks, so it's worth it! You can progress in the Wrecked Battle Pass until August 16, 2024, at 08:00 CEST.

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: New Gameplay Features

It looks like the core gameplay is getting a bit of a shake-up too. In Chapter 5 Season 3, here are the major changes:

New Vehicle Modifications

Vehicle modifications are back, allowing you to pimp your cars a bit! You can equip one of these modifications per slot:

  • Machine Gun Turret (roof slot): A passenger can operate this turret while another player drives!
  • Grenade Launcher Turret (roof slot): You might say this turret makes a mess, but the grenades clean up after themselves ... by exploding!
  • Spiked Bumper (front bumper slot): Deals more damage to players and objects upon collision.
  • Cow Catcher (front bumper slot): Increases your impact force when ramming and provides a bit of protection to your vehicle.
  • Bulletproof Tires (tire slot): Tired of your tires getting shot out? Make them indestructible!
  • Chonkers Off-Road Tires (tire slot): Make your vehicle off-road capable. This is especially useful if you're not driving an SUV!

If your vehicle runs out of condition, you can drive to so-called repair mod boxes or carry a repair torch in your inventory.

Use Nitro

Fortnite nitro
Nitro brings some pretty nice advantages in the game. | © Epic Games

Across the island, you'll now findNitro Splash and Nitro Barrels. Nitro Spray is a portable nitro container that you can use to supply your car or yourself with nitro. Nitro Canisters are nitro containers that trigger the nitro effect upon contact. Here are the following benefits of the new items:

Nitro Effect on Vehicles

  • Increased driving speed
  • Explosive force when ramming, causing damage and applying a knockback impulse (requires sufficient speed)
  • Lower fuel consumption
  • Enhanced values for attached attack modifications

Nitro Effect on Players

  • Increased movement speed
  • Explosive force when shoulder charging, causing damage and applying a knockback impulse ... Run through buildings! (requires sufficient speed)
  • Lower stamina consumption (longer sprinting!)
  • Increased reload speed
  • No fall damage
Fortnite nitro fist
The Nitro Fists are no joke. | © Epic Games

If you want to go a bit more offensive, you can also equip the so-called Nitro Fists. Perform a triple punch combo, an uppercut, or an air punch that lets you move through the air! Nitro Fists have four charges, with one charge being restored every eight seconds. The uppercut and air punch each consume one charge, while the triple combo uses none. If you aim the air punch at the ground and not into the air, enemies nearby will take comet-like damage from the impact.

New Medallions

In Season 3, the old medallions are gone, replaced by three brand-new ones that grant you the following effects:

  • Machinist's Medallion: Regenerates your shield over time.
  • Ringmaster Scarr's Medallion: Gives you unlimited ammo and slightly increased damage.
  • Megalo Don's Medallion: Infuse you with infinite Nitro!

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: New Weapons

In fact, the weapon pool of Season 3 hasn't changed much. Only a few new mythic weapons have been added, and some old ones have been unvaulted.

Here is an overview of all the weapons of the season:

  • Machinist's Combat Assault Rifle
  • Cerberus' Gatekeeper Shotgun
  • Combat Shotgun
  • Gatekeeper Shotgun
  • Hammer Pump Shotgun
  • Oscar's Frenzy Auto Shotgun
  • Warforgeed Assault Rifle
  • Tactical Assault Rifle
  • Enforcer Assault Rifle
  • Thunder Burst SMG
  • Harbinger SMG
  • Huntress DMR
  • Ranger Pistol
  • Hand Cannon

We won't reveal anymore. Dive into the new season yourself! We'll be waiting for you in the Battle Bus!

Alisa Eiber

Alisa is not only Fortnite Lead at EarlyGame but also streams passionately on Twitch. Here she plays games like Fortnite and Valorant together with her community on a daily basis and therefore always knows what's going on....