LoL: Long-Awaited Champion Will Finally Receive A VGU In 2025

It's been a long time coming, but finally, Shyvana is going to be getting a Visual and Gameplay Update (VGU)

Super Galaxy Shyvana
LoL: Finally Shyvana is getting a VGU. | © Riot Games

For years now Shyvana has been one of the champions in most dire need of a VGU and finally Riot is coming through and listening to the community. There had been hints at the champion getting a visual upgrade and finally, Riot is going to make it happen.

Riot have just revealed in their LoL Season 14 start that Shyvana is going to be the next champion to receive a VGU after Skarner. But they haven't set their eyes on a release date for 2024 yet.


LoL: Shyvana Deservedly Gets VGU

Her VGU is going to be so good. | © Riot Games

Shyvana is one of the oldest champions in the game and one of the crustiest as well. Skins don't look good on her and her kit is also a hot mess. Do you go AD or AP on her? Where do you even play her? So many questions, so few answers, which the upcoming VGU will hopefully answer.

The VGU team is looking to release her update in 2025, so players are going to have to be a bit more patient and wait another year to know the exact details, but from the concept art there are some pretty cool ideas for the draconic champion.

These concepts look so cool. | © Riot Games

Hopefully Riot adds in some more lore between her and Jarvan IV, because let's be real, this is what the community really wants to know about, right? Especially with Smolder having been revealed, players can't get enough of the dragon-themed champions right now.

But this is a well-deserved VGU and one that should have been top of the list for many players. No one is surprised by this announcement, right? So, which of the concepts you see up top would be your favorite for Shyvana's VGU?

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....