LoL Patch 14.2: Community In Uproar After OP Champion Receives Buffs On PBE

There are some champions that are just way too strong and good. Others are rather weak, but it seems that the balance team might need to double-check, because a champion who has been OP throughout the entire past season is kicking off LoL Season 14 with a buff.

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LoL Patch 13.14: One champion everyone wants nerfed is actually getting buffed. | © Riot Games

Some champions in League of Legends dominate an entire season, or even longer. The champion that stuck out in Season 13? Jax. The champion had one mid-scope update to freshen up his abilities, even received an Art and Sustainability Update and took over the top lane.

Well, to kick off Season 14, Riot have made a few controversial changes that are currently on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) and the community is up-in-arms about it, because who let someone decide Jax needs a buff?

LoL Patch 14.2: Jax Buffs Coming To The Rift

Angler Jax skin HD
Jax getting buffed is... questionable. | © Riot Games

Someone at Riot has to be a hardcore Jax main, right? A champion that has been sitting in the top 5 top lane champs throughout all of Season 13 will be blessed with some buffs according to the LoL Patch 14.2 patch notes. Of course, the buffs aren't massive, but they will help an already great split-pusher be even better.

According to Spideraxe, the champion currently got two buffs, one to his W - Empower and R - Grandmaster-At-Arms.

  • W - Empower
    • Deals 50% damage to structures
  • R - Grandmaster-At-Arms
    • On-Hit deals 50% damage to structures

The community has spoken out against these buffs, since he's already such a prominent top laner, especially one who likes to go into sidelanes and do his own thing. The only one who could truly rival him has to be Trundle, who is a split-push machine and can take on whole teams on his own.

So, the reaction, understandably so, was not the best at the news, but for now there is no information whether Riot will revert these changes to his kit or keep them in. We're going to have to wait to find out more when the official LoL Patch 14.2 buffs and nerfs list is revealed by Riot themselves.

For now there are no nerfs for specific champions who have been dominating the meta, but it is still early on in the PBE cycle so we can expect some more changes, especially once Riot has more data on champions with the new items as well.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....