LoL Season 14: New In-Game Quests Data Mined On PBE

In 2024, Riot is adding in some fun and unique in-game quests for specific champion rivalries. These will give champions unique buffs. Thanks to some data miners, we know which champions are getting these in-game quests.

LoL Season 14: To make the game more interactive, Riot is adding some new challenges. | © Riot Games

To make League of Legends a little more exciting in 2024, Riot is going to be adding some in-game quests for specific champions, when they match up against their rivals. This has already been added for Hwei and Jhin in LoL Patch 13.24, but there are a lot more to follow.

There are multiple quests for players to complete with some cool rewards. Thanks to data miners, we've already got some information on the quests.


LoL Season 14: In-Game Quests Found By Data Miners

There isn't too much information on the upcoming in-game quests for champion rivals. Riot also hasn't added in unique icons for them yet, but we know they're coming thanks to some information from data miners who have found the quests and their rewards.

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Kindred Vs. Tryndamere - Death Defied

Kindred vs. Tryndamere
Such an incredible addition to the game by including the Season 14 cinematic. Love it! | © Riot Games

With the new Season 14 cinematic 'Still Here' Kindred and Tryndamere's relationship got a lot of attention. In the video, Tryndamere 'defies death' and is able to escape from Kindred, which were ready to hunt him down. For this occasion, Riot added a new mission to the Summoner's Rift.

Tryndamere Instructions

The quest begins when Trynda and Kindred both hit Level 11.

Tryndamere now has to take down Kindred within 15 seconds of them using their Ultimate Ability, Lamb's Respite, before they can do the same to Trynda.

  • "Again, these spirits stalk me... How many times must I tell them, 'Not today?'"

Tryndamere Win: Death Thwarted

By killing Kindred, his W (Mocking Shout) now lasts 1 seconds longer.

  • "Ha! Death itself stood no chance!"

Tryndamere Loss: Death-Toll Taken

Kindred claimed Trynda's soul and killed him.

  • "Ashe..."

Kindred Instructions

Just like Tryndamere, Kindred now has to take him down within 15 seconds after he used his Ultimate Ability, Undying Rage, before he can do the same to Kindred.

  • Lamb: "The Barbarian Kind will not accept my mercy."
  • Wolf: "Then he shall receive my ferocity!"

Kindred Win: Soul Escorted

By killing Trynda, Kindred earns a bonus stack of their Passive

  • Lamb: "He still had much to live for..."
  • Wolf: "Those are the ones who give the best chase, little Lamb."

Kindred Loss: Soul Escaped

Tryndamere managed to escape from Kindred.

  • Lamb: "It was not yet his time, dear Wolf..."
  • Wolf: "An endurance hunt... We're never far behind."

Aatrox Vs. Kayle & Morgana – End The World Ender

Kayle and Morgana Cinematic
Rescue the world from the World Ender himself. | © Riot Games

Just like Kindred and Tryndamere this is another quest inspired by the new cinematic for 2024. There, we'll take a step back in time and look at the fight between Aatrox and Morgana with Kayle.

Aatrox Instructions

Aaxtrox must get a takedown on Kayle or Morgana twice, before they can do the same to him.

Aatrox Win: Sweet Oblivion

R lasts 3 seconds longer, during which Aatrox becomes visually larger.

  • “I am doom!” - Aatrox

Aatrox Loss

Those meddlesome sisters have thwarted Aatrox's ruinous ambitions. Their false peace is all that remains.

  • “They cannot hold off the inevitable forever!”

Morgana/Kayle Instructions

One of the twins has to get a takedown on Aatrox twice, before he can do the same to them.

Morgana Win: Guardian Of The Realm

E cooldown is now reduced by 2.5 seconds and is visually larger.

  • Kayle: “Sister! This is what we were meant to do! Our fate is to fight side by side. You can be redeemed!“
  • Morgana: “Kayle... Not a moment can be spared from your crusade.”

Kayle Win: Guardian Of The Realm

R cooldown is now reduced by 10 seconds and is visually larger.

  • “You will find no absolution in my judgment!”

Morgana/Kayle Loss

  • Kayle: “We've failed them all...”
    Morgana: “Together...”

Smolder Vs. Aurelion Sol - Dragon's Hoard

Who's the best dragon?! | © Riot Games

Now here is the ultimate question: who is the better dragon?! Well, we'll have to find out with a new mission Riot is probably going to add.

Smolder Instructions

Smolder challenges Aurelion Sol to a game. Each stack earned increases the reward. Earn the reward by getting a takedown on Aurelion Sol.

  • "Ready or not, here I come!"

Smolder Win: Practice Makes Perfect

Smolder has beaten Aurelion Sol, earning him stacks. Gain all the stacks Aurelion Sol and you banked during the quest for a total of X stacks (X= stacks/4, min-max of 15-60).

  • "Didja see that, Mom??? I beat that Hairy-Iron-Soil guy!!!"

Smolder Loss: Cram School

Smolder still has much to learn, Aurelion Sol collects the stacks reward.

  • "but Moomm... I'm already practicing e-ver-y day!"

Aurelion Sol Instructions

Aurelion Sol aims to show Smolder that he is no mere terrestrial dragon! Each stack earned increases the reward. Earn the reward by getting a takedown on Smolder.

  • "I'm a cosmic dragon, not your little playmate. I suppose it's time I teach you the difference."

Aurelion Sol Win: Stellar Stacks

Aurelion Sol has taught young Smolder an important lesson and earned himself a cash out of stacks. Gain all the stacks Smolder and you banked during the quest for a total of X stacks (X=stacks/4, min-max of 15-60).

  • "Take notes, hatchling."

Aurelion Sol Loss: Dust In The Wind

Aurelion Sol was bested by a hatchling. Smolder collects the stacks' reward.

  • "Well... we were simply playing a game. It's good to make the little ones feel powerful. Inspiring the youth, and whatnot."

Bel'Veth Vs. Jax - Fishing in the Lavender Sea

Jax Reworked Splash
Jax vs Bel'Veth is going to be fun! | © Riot Games

Who would have thought that these two are such rivals, but looking at the lore, it does make sense. Jax is the last remaining person of Icathia, which was destroyed by the Void.

Bel'Veth Instructions

Bel'Veth's grand design starts with the cry of the Baron. Contributing to taking Baron Nashor permanently enhances Bel'Veth and dooms Jax.

  • "None will stand in my way, not even the Icathian warrior. All will end in my beginning."

Bel'Veth Win: Drown the Doomed

Slaying Baron Nashor has empowered Bel'Veth. Killing Jax now drops Void Coral that grants Bel'Veth her true form.

  • "The fire of Icathia dims. My sea of silence reigns eternal."

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Bel'Veth Loss: Back to the Abyss

Bel'Veth did not slay Baron Nashor, preventing her from reaching her true strength.

Jax Instructions

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Jax must prevent Bel'Veth from consuming the world, starting with Baron Nashor. Contributing to taking down Baron Nashor empowers Jax in his fight against the void.

  • "Great. If the Void Empress eats this place, where am I meant to fish!?"

Jax Win: Apex Angler

Slaying Baron Nashor has empowered Jax. Jax gained 5 stacks of Bel'Veth's passive, Death in Lavender, and gains an additional 5 stacks each time he slays Bel'Veth or assists in her defeat. Gain attack speed per stack.

  • "Baron, Bel'Veth - hah! No one's takin' this world, not now, not ever."

Jax Loss: Grandmaster of None

Jax did not slay Baron Nashor, preventing him from reaching his true strength.

Shen Vs. Zed - Battle of Spirit and Shadow

Shen no skin
Shen vs Zed is a key rivalry. | © Riot Games

These two are well-known rivals. Having once been partners, their ideologies have drifted too far apart and ended up as rivals. So it's no surprise that Riot has added a quest into the game for these two.

Shen Instructions

Shen must prevent Zed from using the full power of the shadows. Damage and take him down before he can kill 2 nearby allies.

  • "Zed is too far gone. I will stand against his shadows."

Shen Win: Enforced Equilibrium

Shen has defeated Zed, protecting allies and restoring harmony to the battlefield. The Shield from Ki Barrier is now 30% stronger.

  • "No mourning Zed. I press on, empowered by the spirits I've saved."

Shen Loss: Overwhelming Shadow

Shen could not Shield his allies. Darkness has won this day.

Zed Instructions

Zed must prove the power of the shadows against Shen. Kill 2 enemy champions near Shen while avoiding getting taken down by him.

  • "Shen represents weakness. I welcome the might of the shadows."Zed no skinAre you going to play against Shen? | © Riot Games

Zed Win: Enlightened Shadow

Zed defeated Shen, finding strength in darkness. Contempt for the Weak deals an additional 2% fo the target's max health.

  • "Shen's equilibrium did not protect them from me - for I have no equal."

Zed Loss: Thwarting Spirit

Zed's power was not enough to eliminate Shen's allies before falling to him in battle.

Nasus Vs. Renekton - Bad Blood

Nasus no skin
Nasus has some of the most interesting lore. | © Riot Games

The two brothers are also going to be a part of this. With them having once been close, they've drifted apart, with Renekton stuck in the tombs and darkness fighting off Xerath, slowly losing his sanity.

Nasus Instructions

Kill Renekton while Nasus' Ultimate Ability, Fury of the Sands, is active.

Nasus Win: Wisdom Exalts

With Renekton's defeat, Nasus' Ultimate Ability, Fury of the Sands, now lasts longer and grants additional size.

  • "My brother's savagery endangered us all. The sands will soon know peace."

Nasus Loss: Burial of the Sands

Nasus has fallen to Renekton's rage. The size Nasus gains from his Ultimate Ability, Fury of the Sands, has decreased.

  • "I failed Renekton, failed Shurima. The Butcher of the Sands returns in chaos and carnage."

Renekton Instructions

Renekton no skin
I feel a little bad for Renekton... | © Riot Games

Kill Nasus while Renekton's Ultimate Ability, Dominus, is active.

Renekton Win: Wrath Empowers

With Nasus' defeat, Renekton's Ultimate Ability, Dominus, now lasts longer and grants additional size.

  • "That dog is no brother of mine. He is dead - I am death!"

Renekton Loss: Dominus, Defeated

Renekton has fallen to Nasus' will. THe size Renekton gains from his Ultimate Ability, Dominus, has decreased.

  • "What am I? Dust and blood, back in the dark?"

This isn't the first time Riot is featuring these types of quests. There used to be the 'Battle for Freljord' quest in the game which featured Ashe, Sejuani and Lissandra, but the quest was removed in Season 9. It's nice to see these make a comeback, so we'll see just what the conditions for the quests are and when they will be in the game.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....