The Most Unpopular One Piece Episode Of All Time – Do You Agree?

One Piece is one of the longest running anime currently. With well over 1,000 episodes, there has to be one people didn't like, right? Well we found it!

One Piece
One Piece has so many iconic moments. | © Shueisha

One Piece has gained cult status all over the world thanks to its wacky story, fun characters and long run time. Almost no other show or anime has managed this type of longevity – maybe the Simpsons, but I can't think of much else.

It's 2024, and we're moving into Season 21 of the series, as well as nearing the 30-year mark since it began serialization as a manga. But with so much content, some episodes or arcs had to flop, right? Well, we found the worst episode of One Piece ever.

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This Is The Most Disliked One Piece Episode Of All Time

One Piece
Chopper is the main character of the most hated episode. | © Shueisha

Agree or disagree, the public has spoken and while One Piece is one of the most popular anime out there, one episode had almost everyone snoozing. According to IMDB, episode 336, Chopperman to the Rescue! Protect the TV Station by the Shore!, is the worst episode of the entire series.

This episode, from 2007, reached a mid-rating of 5.2 which is far below other episodes in the series. Looking into it, this is a mere filler episode and doesn't follow the main plot line of One Piece, but with over 1,000 episodes there are many other filler episodes that did not rank as low either.

In this episode, Chopper becomes the main character "Chopperman", a superhero in modern day Japan. This special episode focuses on Chopperman's mission to save a TV station from being taken over by an evil villain. Sounds nothing like "a normal" One Piece episode and even pretty far-fetched from a normal filler, so it's no surprise it landed in last place.

Top 10 Most Unpopular One Piece Episodes

Monkey D Luffy
Luffy knows that these aren't the best episodes... | ©Shueisha

Of course, we cannot just hate on the most hated episode, but need to look further at the other episodes that haven't hit the mark in the One Piece series.


Episode NumberEpisode

IMDB Rating

1336Chopperman to the Rescue! Protect the TV Station by the Shore!5.2
2492The Strongest Tag-Team! Luffy and Toriko's Hard Struggle!5.4


542A Team Is Formed! Save Chopper5.5
4590History's Strongest Collaboration vs. Glutton of the Sea5.5
5292A Big Rice Cake Tossing Race at the Castle! Red Nose's Plot!5.7
6406Feudal Era Side Story! Boss Luffy Appears Again5.7
7407Feudal Era Side Story! Defeat Thriller Company's Trap5.7
8896Side Story! Clash! Luffy vs. the King of Carbonation!5.9
9896Boss Luffy Is the Culprit? Track Down the Missing Great Cherry Tree!5.9
10291Boss Luffy Returns! Is It a Dream or Reality? Lottery Ruckus!5.9

Of course, these are all filler episodes and not part of the main plot, which comes as no surprise, but do you believe that the IMDB community has it wrong and another episode should be at the top of the worst One Piece episode list? I mean... you've got ample episodes to choose from.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....