MW3 New Mode "Hordepoint" Explained

Hordepoint is a new MW3 mode coming in Season 2. Technically this is a returning mode, as it first appeared almost ten years ago in CoD: WW2, but it's going to be quite different now. Here is how Hordepoint works.

MW3 New Mode
MW3's Hordepoint: This is how the new mode works. | © Activision / EarlyGame

Don't be shocked at the next MW3 playlist update when you see Hordepoint. What is this mode? Zombies? Multiplayer? Both. And it ties them together better than you might expect.

Hordepoint is a new mode for MW3 that will be releasing with the launch of Season 2. Here is a brief overview of the rules for you.

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How Does Hordepoint Work?

Hordepoint works like Hardpoint, which is to say: King of the Hill for CoD. You fight to control an area of the map, and you get points for every second your team controls that area. The area moves to a new location every 60 seconds.

However, in Hordepoint a rift opens and Zombies emerge whenever a player begins to capture one of the hardpoints. So, as someone defending the hardpoint, you will need to focus on eliminating both enemy players and zombies.

MW3 Hordepoint Afghan
MW3 Hordepoint: Zombies on Afghan? What's going on in Hordepoint? | © Activision

Here are the specific rules to be aware of for Hordepoint:

  • Zombie rifts open as soon as someone from either team steps into the hill.
  • When you kill a zombie, there's a very small chance that you get a Pack-a-Punched weapon (a massively upgraded version of a base weapon).
  • For the sake of killstreaks, five zombies are equivalent to one enemy player kill.
  • There is a very small chance zombies drop an Instakill powerup when they die, but this only applies to zombies, not other players.

And that's about it for Hordepoint. If you've played Hardpoint before, you will realize how the mode works fairly quickly.


How Long Will We Have To Play Hordepoint?

Hordepoint is an LTM or Limited-Time-Mode, which means it will only be available for a few weeks. We don't know exactly when the game mode will be removed, but we expect it to be removed after four weeks when the mid-season update is released, Season 2: Reloaded.

Hordepoint might return again in a later season if it's popular this time around, for Halloween perhaps, but we can make no guarantees.

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Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....