Crazy Cards Codes (May 2024)

Grab free points and progress faster by redeeming Crazy Cards codes.

Here are the active Roblox: Crazy Cards codes. | © Roblox / jotslo

Crazy Cards is a Roblox game inspired by the classic Cards Against Humanity. In this game, you need to pick the funny response cards, get points, and make other players lose with your humor. Redeeming Crazy Cards codes will unlock enhanced card customization, more cards, and other freebies.

All Crazy Cards code list

This was last updated on May 1

Active Crazy Cards codes

  • 500 - Use code for 10 Gems
  • twt - Use code for $500 and a BlueBird name color
  • dsc - Use code for $500 and a Blurple name color
  • rbx - Use code for Red Card Skin

Expired Crazy Cards codes

  • 5000

How To Redeem Codes In Crazy Cards

Redeem Codes In Crazy Cards
Use the chat menu to redeem codes in Crazy Cards. | © Roblox / jotslo

Below, players can find a step-by-step guide showcasing how to redeem codes in Crazy Cards:

  1. Launch Roblox and start Crazy Cards.
  2. Open the chat via the button in the top-right.
  3. Open the chat and type "/unlock [code]".
  4. Hit Enter and send the chat message to claim free rewards.

If you want to find more codes for this Roblox experience, bookmark this guide (press Ctrl+D) and follow jotslo Roblox group for news, codes, and free prizes.


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Nazarii Verbitskiy

Nazarii is a writer who wears many different hats. He works on codes for EarlyGame, while also writing guides on Mobile Matters. He previously wrote for WhatIfGaming and Gfinity Esports....