NU Carnival Codes (May 2024)

We've gathered working codes for Nu Carnival.

nu carnival codes
© Infinity Studio
Live the life on Klein Continent, embark on completing interesting missions and unlock more than 10 Japanese-style characters in NU Carnival. Summon allies and fight against evil to bring peace back to the world. Assemble the strongest team by re-rolling and grinding.

Redeeming NU Carnival codes is a straightforward way to claim free resources and progress faster. Players can redeem codes to get Coins, Spirit Gems, Boosts, and other freebies for this game.

Nu Carnival Active Codes

  • P2IVQK70IK1RTC4 - Use code for 100K Coins, 500 Spirit Gems
  • E8IIMD0BY7RJXHG - Use code for 200 Spirit Gems
  • 2CZZM67BGNXB1BI - Use code for 20 Tiny Boosts, 50K Coins
  • 2H6RJB04RU32UZ6 - Use code for 3 Essence Vials, 100 Spirit Gems
  • XYADPYNRKW24XBT - Use code for 200 Spirit Gems
  • 1QYMVNCNX0EIKWK - Use code for 500 Spirit Gems
  • ILOVENU520 - Use code for 200 Spirit Gems

Nu Carnival Expired Codes

  • No expired codes yet.

How To Redeem Codes In Nu Carnival

© Infinity Studio

Follow the easy steps below to redeem codes in Nu Carnival.

  1. Open Nu Carnival on your device
  2. Tap on the Menu button in a top-right screen corner
  3. Click the Settings button
  4. Head to the section Other - Redeem Code
  5. Enter your working code into a pop-up menu
  6. Press the button OK and grab free rewards

Where Do You Get Nu Carnival Codes?

New codes for NU: Carnival are released on the official social media accounts ruled by the developer, such as NU: Carnival X account. Join the official Twitter account to ensure that you're informed about the latest codes, news, and announcements about this game.


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Nazarii Verbitskiy

Nazarii is a writer who wears many different hats. He works on codes for EarlyGame, while also writing guides on Mobile Matters. He previously wrote for WhatIfGaming and Gfinity Esports....